01 - 5 Months

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  • Dedicated to Jayne

Chapter 1 – Five Months

Chapter Song: Dreaming With A Broken Heart-John Mayer


“Pregnant?” Harry whispered, shock hitting him like a blow to the stomach. He wasn’t anywhere near ready to become a father, and he would be the first to admit it. His life was finally on track, and now he would have to raise a child? In a word he was simply terrified; he didn’t’ want to screw their baby up like he had been.

Harry’s glance shifted to Bella who had turned to crying softly in her hands, and his heart broke. He wasn’t the only one who would be affected by this turn in events. Gently he wrapped his arms around her trembling body not only to comfort her, but to protect her in a sense as well. Once her sobs subsided she looked up at Harry but not with a downcast expression, no a smile. This reaction baffled the boy for the ordeal left him a nervous wreck, but Bella was having different thoughts after the shock wore away.

“Harry, we’re going to be parents,” Bella smiled through tears.

And he finally understood her sudden glee; she wanted this even though it wasn’t the desired time, but even so she was ecstatic. To see the joy on her face provided Harry with the same emotion, and caused to him to do a double take on the whole situation. True, they were still rather young of young, but he knew they could get through this together. Pondering over the news brought Harry excitement as well, almost quelling his nerves completely. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so terrible, after all he could be the proper father to this child that he always yearned to have himself. This would be Harry’s chance to be there for someone, and he was not going to screw up his child like he had been prior to meeting Bella. No, he was going to love and raise this baby alongside the most important person in his life, his wife. At least he hoped he would prove to be a good dad. What if he failed?

“I’m scared,” he revealed, admitting to his newfound fears.

Bella cuddled up to his tattoo clad chest to comfort his troubled soul, as she always did for him. Honestly she was a bit dismayed herself, but her excitement massively overcame her fright. Despite what Harry thought she knew he would make a terrific father; she had seen the softest parts of him and how benevolent he truly was. Yes, in her eyes Harry would be a perfect father figure.

“Hey, it’s going to be okay,” she smiled kindly. “I know this isn’t the most desired time, but we’re in this together.”

Harry pressed a kiss to his wife’s forehead; her words bringing him a new burst of confidence and fresh outlook on the situation. What he would do without her, he had no clue.

“You’re right; as long as I’ve got you everything will be okay. I can’t wait to meet our baby,” he grinned, gently pressing a hand to her belly.

Her smile only grew at his gesture leading to her to kiss him sweetly. They lost themselves in the moment, leaving their lips locked and their arms entangled in each other. Their love for one another was undeniable, and they were so beyond to grateful to have each other.


Present Day – 

“Bella. Bella. Bella,” Harry mumbled, awaking from his deep slumber. His body was left trembling and dripping in a cold sweat from being ripped from his dream so suddenly. He ran a shaky through his curly brown locks in frustration, trying to refocus his startled disposition. The dream had all at once slipped from grasp, and he wanted nothing more than to obtain it again. A fresh wave of grief washed over Harry like a tsunami bringing him to tears for the millionth time since he had lost Bella. Why did it just have to be another ghost of a memory instead of reality?

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