04 - The Chance

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Chapter 4 – The Chance


A warm grin was spread across the girl’s pale pink lips and Harry assumed that she was none other than Louis’ sister. Her hand reached across the space separating her from the curly headed man to give his hand a firm shake. Now that Harry had arrived it was time to get down to business and get this interview underway.  His nerves skyrocketed at their interaction, but he attempted to reach a state of equilibrium. It failed to go over well.

        “So Harry, you’re interested in working at Ink Stains, then?” Charlie asked, gesturing for him to take a seat in one of the various waiting chairs.

The entire establishment was furnished in black leather and scarlet décor which gave off a cool atmosphere in Harry’s opinion. As the two sat and discussed his business experience and the possibility of Harry obtaining his desired job here, Louis sat swirling a tattoo gun across a younger lad’s arm, his girlfriend waiting next to him anxiously. The way the young blonde girl rapidly tapped her foot against the black and white checkered tiles resembled how Harry’s insides felt in that moment.

And all too suddenly memories engulfed him in the form of an emotional tidal wave just from the sight of the couple. It was all Harry could do not to let Charlie see how badly he was aching on the inside. Sometimes he wondered if his thoughts would literally drive him mad to the point of having to be locked up somewhere and perhaps that was what he feared now most in life. For if he was taken away, Kieran would be without both parents and the mere thought of that nearly brought Harry to tears.

Wait no; there was two things that frightened him most, that and losing Kieran. If Harry were to live in a world without his son he would no longer have any reason to remain as a living soul on this earth. Without Kieran there would be no Harry, end of discussion.

Harry’s pathetic little world revolved around two things and two things alone: Bella and Kieran. With his wife now gone the only thing he had to live for was his son. Perhaps he itched for this job so badly was because he aspired it would bless with a bit more purpose. Not that being a father didn’t provide him with that feeling, it was just that Harry needed something to get his mind off his troubles more.

        “So you have no experience as a tattoo artist whatsoever?” questioned Charlie with an eyebrow skeptically arched.

        “No I don’t not,” Harry answered truthfully, “but I’m a fast learner and I’ve sketched some of my own designs before.”

He then pointed out the rose decorated the ribbon enveloping Bella’s name which came of his own mind.

Charlie gently moved her fingertips over the ink, thoroughly examining the intricate piece, trying to mull over what she should decide. All the while Harry on felt tense under her soft touch for it only caused him to reminisce over Bella, especially upon drawing attention to such a sensitive tattoo. Harry felt his walls crumbling down and he was unaware of how long he could resist the tears and rage sweeping over him; he had to stich his emotions back together for just for a little while longer.

Noticing the indisputable pain that crossed Harry’s features, Charlie retracted her touch. His reaction piqued her curiosity, but after how he handled that situation she was hesitant to question him about it. Though Harry appeared uneasy – more so than when he first arrived – there was something in his jade eyes that helped lead Charlie to see how deeply this opportunity meant to him. Perchance she could somehow she could make it work.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2014 ⏰

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