03 - Bittersweet

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Chapter 3 – Bittersweet

Chapter Song: All I Want-Kodaline 



The outline of his tree burned into Harry’s back beneath the fabric of his clothes on the drive back to Holmes Chapel. Though he was satisfied with the etching, a part of him resented himself for getting it done since Bella silently disapproved the marking away of his body. “Your skin is already beautiful,” she always told him, causing him to smile at the memory. After the two had begun dating Harry’s trips to the tattoo parlor became fewer and fewer, but he still hadn’t managed to abandon the habit. So the fresh marking had now become bittersweet even though it succeeded in relieving some of his anguish.  

Then again Harry’s life seemed to be one unending bittersweet rollercoaster; there being more bad moments than good nowadays. He wished he could be happy again so badly, especially for Kieran's sake, but he couldn’t shake it. The fact only caused him to become infuriated with himself, and he coveted a sense of equanimity.

Harry was well aware he wouldn’t fully obtain that, at least not anytime soon, for now he just wanted to see Kieran again. His son served to be one of the very few sources of happiness in the man’s life; Kieran meant the absolute world to Harry. True, it wasn’t always easy being a single father, but he loved it ever so much. He had loved it even more when he and Bella cared for him together.

And there he went again, carrying on with the endless cycle that was now his life. The simplest little thing could trigger him in to thinking of his late wife. It left him with a dreadful feeling impotence which he greatly abhorred. Honestly Harry had no clue what on earth to do with himself – he was sick of his sad routine of working at the bakery, crying incessantly, and going into fits of rage – that is until today occurred.

This new job was silver lining; at least he truly wished it would be. Hopefully it would all work out in the end, and give him sense of purpose other than his fatherly duties. Harry just knew he would have to do all he could to make sure his interview would go well.

Mentally he began to plan out what all he would say as he pulled in to driveway of his mum’s home.  After parking his crappy car, Harry made his way up the stone pathway to his previous home, one he did not in fact miss living in. Slowly, he knocked on the door to have his mother answer it with a smile spread across her lips.

“Come in, love,” Anne smiled, fully opening the door.  “Kieran, your daddy is here!”

The boy’s chocolate colored locks bobbed from his coloring book at the kitchen table which he abandoned at the sight of his father.  His bodied collided with Harry’s in a hug causing a smile to grace his facial features. Kieran was always so thrilled to his dad after he had returned from work, and his reaction never ceased to excite Harry as well.

“Hey kiddo, did you have fun with Mema?” Harry grinned at his son.

“Yes! But I missed you daddy,” Kieran said.

“I missed you too Kier. Why don’t you go get your stuff while I’ll talk to Mema okay?”

The three year old’s short curls bobbed up and down as he ran to collect his belongings while Harry spoke with his mother.

“Thank you for watching him,” he thanked her.

“Of course, you know I adore spending time with Kieran,” Anne grinned, “but that’s not what you wanted to speak to me about is it?”

Harry nodded his head and ran a hand through his own brunette curls. “I have job interview Monday.”

Anne’s previously happy expression faltered ever so slightly at her son’s words. “What about the bakery? You’re not taking up two jobs are you? Because if that’s case I’ll do my best to help you boys out.”

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