02 - For You

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Chapter 2: For You 

Chapter Song: All My Heart-Sleeping With Sirens 


Nothing but empty road lay in Harry’s range of sight; his mind being devoured by his own thoughts. He craved numbness, to feel nothing at all for today he seemed to feel everything all at once. An ache spread through his body like a wildfire and he just wished it would end. How does one get over the loss of a spouse? Their savior? Harry had no bloody idea, but he wished obtained this knowledge, or at least a way to reverse the unchangeable past.

He had finished work an hour ago and set off on a mindless drive ever since. It was his attempt to flee his flooded thoughts, and escape for a bit even if it wasn’t for long. However he had no way of running away from his life and that was what the troubled, lonely boy longed for most.

This would just have to suffice for now, he thought to himself as he flicked on the radio. The music danced through the speakers and filled Harry’s ears as he cruised down the road. Thankfully it was enough to momentarily distract him for the time being. He even allowed himself to sing along to the tune; he had always enjoyed the pastime, especially since Bella loved it so. A smile tugged at his lips as recalled happy memories of the past, it was good to smile again. Such an action was quite a rarity to him nowadays, so he savored it while he could.

After about an hour or so later of driving Harry found himself nearing London, filling him with dread. Before the accident he adored the city, now it only reminded him of that God awful day. Even so he continued to venture into the town, the ache fully settling in. Harry’s green eyes scanned his tattoos that trailed from underneath his leather jacket, giving him an idea. Suddenly he knew exactly what he needed; he needed to feel the pain of the needle trailing along his skin.

Eventually he stumbled across a decent looking tattoo parlor and parked his vehicle in one of the various vacant spots; thankfully it wasn’t very populated. Harry exited his car and slowly strolled through the tinted doors of the establishment, admiring the many tattoo designs on the surprisingly clean looking walls. A brown haired man whom Harry presumed was around his age guides a tattoo gun over a middle-age man’s bicep. A small grin plays on Harry’s face at the sight and he couldn’t wait for the needle to pierce his own skin.

“I’ll be with you in a minute mate,” the artist said to Harry from his stool.

He nodded in response and took a seat, continuing to take in the shop and mulling over his personal tattoo ideas. Honestly he wasn’t really sure what he wanted this time around – it had been so long since he had been inked up – but today it was just to help cope with this dreadful agony.

The tips of fingers skimmed over the design book as he waited for his turn under the gun. Nothing ever seemed to pop out at him and grab his attention; usually Harry always had a plan on what he would get done, other than the first time he got one. The thought plunged him back into the memory of the first he had got inked up with Ben, whom he hadn’t seen in ages. That day seemed like such a long time ago, back when Harry was in such a terrible place. And then there was Bella, who changed everything….

“You ready mate?” asked the artist, who now stood next Harry, jarring him from his thoughts.

“Yeah, sorry,” he responded, running a hand through his chestnut curls.

Picking himself up from his seat he took his new place in the previous customer’s chair, racking his brain for his final decision on his current etching. His jade eyes trailed outside the windows, grazing over a tree sparking an idea inside him. The foliage reminded him a family tree which invited Bella for another reoccurring appearance in his mind.

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