Olaf The Snowman!

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The video does not belong to me it belongs to Jess The Dragon on YouTube! The song is covered by Natewantstobattle, he is also on YouTube and is an amazing artist and covers many songs as well as performing his own songs so go check him out!

"So how did you control your powers?" Anna asked me as we rode our horses towards north mountain. "Well my father taught me, he had powers like me so he taught me how to use them and control them so I wouldn't hurt people I assume that wasn't the case with Elson?" I questioned, "no our parents didn't have powers like he did and neither do I he's the only one" she informed me "I see" I replied, a tree which was covered in snow sprang up frightening the horses. They quickly shook us off and ran back down the mountain towards Arendelle. I got up from the freezing snow and helped Anna, I used my powers to warm us up  but we were still cold, his emotions of fear have made Elson's power stronger than mine. "Snow, it had to be snow, he couldn't have had tropical magic that covered the fjords in white sand and warm...Fire!" Anna gasped happily, we saw smoke in the distance and quickly traveled towards it. 

When we found where the smoke was coming from we discovered a wooden building. "Wandering Oaken's Trading Post. Ooh! And sauna" I said happily, we both went inside warming up immediately, we picked up a winter outfit each and a pair of boots each and put them on the shop counter. I then began searching for my money "uh-oh!" I gasped as I realised I had none on me, "it's fine I'll pay" Anna assured me "but-" "I said it's fine" she laughed. A guy covered in light snow then entered the shop, he picked up some rope and an axe from the winter department and a bag of carrots. Anna asked him some questions related to Elson and found out that Elson was on top of the North mountain! However Oaken who owned the shop wouldn't lower the prices of the items the guy wanted and chucked out the other man out after calling the shop owner a crook. Anna bought the outfits, boots, the rope, axe and carrots Oaken allowed us to use the back room in order to change into the outfits and we then exited the shop. "Why did you buy the other stuff?" I asked, "because I can use them to get that guy from earlier to take us up to the North mountain" Anna told me "ahh smart" I said.

After some arrangements the man named Kristoff agreed to take us up to the North mountain via his sleigh and Reindeer named Sven. As we headed off we filled Kristoff in on what happend with King Elson, we then we chased by wolves and after jumping over to get to another cliff we lost the sleigh and the wolves and had to now travel the rest of the way on foot. "I never knew winter could be so beautiful" I said as I admired the surroundings. "Yeah! It really is beautiful, isn't it? But it's so white. You know, how about a little color? I'm thinking like maybe some crimson, chartreuse. How about yellow? No, not yellow, yellow and snow? Brrrr...no go!" A voice said behind us it came from a noseless snowman who wandered up behind us. Shocked, Anna screamed and kicks the snowman's head which flew off his body and landed in Kristoff's hands. Kristoff tossed the head to Anna who immediately tossed it back to Kristoff Anna threw the head back onto his body and it landed upside down onto him. "Wait. What am I looking at right now? Why are you hanging off the earth like a bat?" The snowman asked, I rolled my eyes and put the snowman's head on properly.

"Oh! Thank you!" The snowman said appreciatively  "you're welcome" I said "now I'm perfect" he laughed "well, almost" I laughed before taking one of Sven's carrots and pushing into the snowman's head giving him a nose. "Oh, I love it! Hah. Alright, let's start this thing over, hi everyone, I'm Olaf. And I like warm hugs" Olaf introduced himself Anna spaced out for a moment before looking back at Olaf. After introductions were out of the way me and Anna began asking questions "Olaf, did Elson build you?"I asked "yeah. Why?" "Do you know where he is?" Anna asked "yeah. Why?" "Do you think you could show us the way?" I questioned "yeah. Why?" "I'll tell you why. We need Elson to bring back summer" Kristoff answered "summer?" Olaf questioned, me and Anna nodded "oh, I don't know why but I've always loved the idea of summer, and sun, and all things hot" Olaf sighed happily, oh he's so cute! "Really? I'm guessing you don't have much experience with heat" Kristoff assumed "nope! But sometimes I like to close my eyes and imagine what it'd be like when summer does come." Oaf responded.

 After Olaf's adorable song about summer he led us to Elson's ice castle, it looked beautiful! He was able to do this without training, it's a pretty impressive feat!

Back in Arendelle! 
Eugene, Princess Rapunzel and Prince Hans were handing out cloaks to everyone and telling them to enter the castle as there was hot soup made for the people of Arendelle, the people thanked the three before heading inside the castle. "Prince Hans, are we just expected to sit here and freeze while you give away all of Arendelle's trade-able goods?" The duke of Weaselton questioned "Princess Anna has given her orders" Hans began "and that's another thing! Has it dawned on you that your princess and that other girl may be conspiring with a wicked sorcerer to destroy us all?" He asked again "do not question the Princess. She left me in charge, and I will not hesitate to protect Arendelle from treason" Hans threatened. "And Y/N wouldn't do something like that, she's trying to help out which is a lot more than what you're doing" Rapunzel added. Before anything else could be said Y/N and Anna's horses returned looking frightened Hans and Eugene steadied the horsed and the crowd start panicking for their princess. "Princess Anna is in trouble. I need volunteers to go with me to find her" Prince Hans requested, Eugene volunteered immediately as did some of the crowd "I volunteer two men, my Lord!" The Duke of Weaselton said, Hans nodded as he and the volunteers prepared to head to the North mountain. "Be prepared for anything, and should you encounter the King, or that girl who left with the Princess you are to put an end to them and this winter. Do you understand?" The duke told his men who nodded in agreement! The duke saw Y/N's fire demonstration to Prince Hans and Princess Anna moments before they left and knew that she was a threat that was to be extinguished immediately!

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