Unknown Tragedies Revealed

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Kristoff, Olaf and Sven stayed outside of the ice castle, I went with Anna in case Elson got scared and lost control of his powers I would be able to melt his attacks easily. "Elson? It's me, Anna" Anna shouted as we walked Anna slipped but I caught her. Elson appeared at the top of the ice staircase "Anna? Who's this?" Elson asked, Anna looked up and saw Elson "I'm Y/N I helped your sister find you" I answered "Elson, you look different, it's a good different. And this place...it's amazing." Anna told him "thank you. I never knew what I was capable of" Elson said "you could do so much more if you were train your powers" I told him "I'm so sorry about what happened. If I'd have known..." Anna I started "no, no. It's okay, you don't have to apologize but you should probably go, please" Elson requested "but we just got here" Anna responded "you belong down in Arendelle" Elson told her "so do you" I replied he doesn't want to return because he's scared of hurting someone but if only he could see what's he's really capable off al he would need to do is train and he could do so much more! "No, I belong here. Alone. Where I can be who I am without hurting anybody" Elson said sadly "actually, about that..." "Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" Olaf exclaimed as wondered into the castle of ice "Olaf?" Elson questioned "you built me, Remember that?" Oaf asked "and you're alive?" Elson asked in disbelief "um...I think so" Oaf answered, Elson looked down at his hands and smiled "he's just like the one we built as kids" Anna laughed "Elson we were so close, we can be like that again" Anna told him "no, we can't. Goodbye, Anna" Elson said as he turned away "Elson, wait" Anna begged "no, I'm just trying to protect you!" Elson exclaimed  "you don't have to protect me. I'm not afraid! Please don't shut me out again. Please don't slam the door" Anna begged again. 

Bold Anna Italics Elson. Underlined you

"You don't have to keep your distance anymore. Cause for the first time in forever, I finally understand. For the first time in forever, we can fix this hand in hand. We can head down this mountain together. You don't have to live in fear. Cause for the first time in forever, I will be right here. Anna, please go back home. Your life awaits. Go enjoy the sun and open up the gates yeah, but... I know! You mean well, but leave me be.  Yes, I'm alone, but I'm alone and free. Just stay away and you'll be safe from me. Actually, we're not. What do you mean you're not? I get the feeling you don't know?What do I not know? Arendelle's in deep, deep, deep, deep snow  What? You kind of set off an eternal winter...everywhere.  Everywhere? Oh, it's okay. You can just unfreeze it. No, I can't. I...I don't know how! Sure you can. I know you can! Cause for the first time in forever...Oh, I'm such a fool! I can't be free! You don't have to be afraid.No escape from the storm inside of me! We can work this out together. I can't control the curse! We'll reverse the storm you've made. Oh, Y/N please. You'll only make it worse! Don't panic. There's so much fear! We'll make the sun shine bright.You're not safe hereWe can face this thing together. No! I can't! 

The snow blizzard got worse then suddenly as Elson got more agitated he sucked the blizzard back then it burst out and accidentally hit Anna in the heart. Anna fell to her knees, Elson turned and noticed what he's done, I helped Ana stand up and looked at Elson with a concerned look. Kristoff rushed towards us "Anna! Are you okay?"He asked "I'm okay, I'm fine" she huffed "who's this? Wait, it doesn't matter, just...you have to go" Elson told us, "no, I know we can figure this out together" Anna assured him as they were arguing I hid on the balcony, "how? What power do you have to stop this winter? To stop me?" Elson asked fearfully "Anna, I think we should go" Kristoff told Anna. "No. I'm not leaving without you, Elson" Anna said firmly "yes, you are" he replied, he waved his hands and with his power built a giant snowman, it then picked up Anna and Kristoff and chucked them out now it was just me and him. 

"You can't hide away forever y'know" I said as I revealed myself, "what? J-just leave please I don't want to hurt anyone else" he told me "ice doesn't very much against fire" I told him before producing a ball of fire in my hand. "Y-You're like me" he gasped "yes, that's why I want to help you. I know what it feels like to be afraid of what you can do and afraid of hurting people with your powers" I told him. "Then you understand why I must stay here, I couldn't bare to hurt anyone I love or the people of Arendelle" he told me "yes I understand but you can learn to control your powers and use them to help people instead. I mean honestly you made this place and brought two snowmen to life! One accident has terrified you so much, I can help you, I too hurt someone I love with my powers but with Anna. At least she's still alive after what you did" I sighed sadly, "what do you mean?" He asked, "I killed my mother because I had no idea how to use my fire powers. I was so afraid for so long until my father returned to Corona, he found out about what happend and helped me. He taught me how to use my power safely, I could teach you too but only if you return to Arendelle with me" I told him. He looked down and I could tell he was in deep thought, before he gave me an answer we heard commotion outside Hans, Eugene and Arendelle royal soldiers were outside but it looked like they were ready for a fight!

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