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I opened my eyes slowly, feeling how my lashes got stuck into each other. As I opened my eyes I could see Jojis face. I quite didn't remeber what happened yesterday or how I got home from that party. Joji probably picked me up. As I pushed Joji's arm gently from my body I got up and stood infront of the mirror. I still had make up on but I was wearing Pj's. I washed my face quickly and got back into my room. "Good morning babe." Joji said and streched himself. He yawn in a extremely sexual way and his voice was really deep. "Did you change my clothes?" I asked a little bit insecure. He nodded and smiled. I had that confused look in my face. "You don't remember anything right?" Joji asked and got up. I shook my head and felt how it hurt with every move I made. "I drank too much yesterday right?" Joji grabbed my hips and pulled me close to him. "Why did you drink that much?" He asked me seriously. I looked up into his dark eyes. I didn't really know what to say. I tried to remember what happened last night and all of sudden it came into my mind. That chemistry class dude what was his name. Uhhmmm. Aaron? RIGHT it was Aaron. He made a bet about how he was going to fuck me that night. If I won't cut his balls off... that motherfucker. "Why are you looking so angry y/n?" Joji asked and tilted his head making him look extra cute. "I can remember why I told you to pick me up." I said and massaged my right temple. "So..?" He said and sat down on my bed pulling me on his lap. "Aaron told the whole school about a bet that he was going to fill my hole that night. Everyone looked at me really strangely and they whispered when I walked pass them. They all were talking about that bet. And then one other guy told me to be careful and not to drink anymore or I'd end up losing my virginity to that bastard." I looked up feeling how tears filled my eyes. Joji looked at me quite furious. "What was his name again?" He asked. "Aaron." I said quietly. He laid his hand on my thigh. "Did he put his hands on you y/n?" His voice sounded really mad and got a little bit louder. "No. I left right after I heard about the bet." Joji breathed heavily and I could feel his hand warming up my thigh a little bit. "Do you want me to hurt him?" He whispered in my ear. No. That would not end good. Aaron was a lot bigger than Joji and I would not let him hurt Joji. I couldn't risk that. "Please don't do that Joji. I'll give him what he deserves but I would not let him hurt you." He looked into my eyes. Angrily and that made him sexier than ever. "Y/n." Now Joji wrapped his hands around me and pulled me really close to him. "You know that you're mine and I'll never give you to anyone else." He whispered and kissed my cheek. I felt his lips wandering down my neck and he started to suck and nibble on it. I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of his warm breath on my skin. He stopped and laughed. "What's so funny?" I asked. He pushed me off his lap. "Go and look into the mirror." Joji kept laughing and I looked at myself. 3 spots of my neck where extremely red almost purple. He gave me fucking hickies. "Are you kidding me Joji?" I asked him while touching the purple spots. "Papa Franku marked his territory." He laughed and stood up. "Shall we get some breakfast?". Well yeah I was hungry as hell. I walked to my wardrobe and pulled some clothes out of it. As I pulled down my pants and took of my shirt I looked at Joji. He was looking straight at me while laying there, resting on his ellbows. He smirked cheekily and I threw my shirt at him. "Look away you perv." I shouted at him laughing. He stood up and walked towards me. "It's not like I've never seen you dressed barely like this." He hugged me. "But I never realized that your butt looks so fine." His hand wandered down my back spine to my ass. He rested his hand and as his lips touched mine he squeezed it. My face got really hot and a soft moan escaped my mouth. "Get dressed. I'll wait for you downstairs." He said and left the apartment. I put myself some clothes on, rushed downstairs and got into Joji's car. "I am going to film a pink guy cooking video today. I have to go grocery shopping." I laughed and pulled out my phone. An unknown number texted me.

"Hey it's Aaron. I was wondering where you have been yesterday as I left to get you a new drink."

I could feel the hate burning inside me but I decided to ignore the text first and not to tell Joji about it. Where did he even get my number. This is literally so sick and I am wondering what Jasmine is doing right now. I texted her and put my phone away. We arrived at a café, ordered pancakes and started to eat. "Are Max and Ian going to film with you?" I asked. He swallowed his bite and took a sip out of his red bull. "Ian is just going to help me filming. Max is flying to Australia tomorrow so he has to pack his things." I totally forgot that Max was Australian. "Does he live there?" I asked.
"No he moved here to New York. He is just going to visit his family."

After we finished eating we went grocery shopping. "On todays menu we have curry ramen." He winked at me. Oh Boi if this i not going to be fun.

That ending was extremely gay and cunt-ish. Well but that's all I have for you guys today. I hope you enjoy this story. Thank you so much for reading. 1 Fav = 1 Pray for all the dead memes aka Harambe.

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