Christmas Eve pt2

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After resting from chasing Sombra all over the base Amèlie and Gab decided to do something different. They decided we would go out to eat for an early Christmas present. Gab was already ready in a black tux while Amèlie was in a hot but elligant purple dress that had a slit up the right thigh.

Me and Sombra got ready together since Sombra wanted to do my hair and makeup. She told Gab and Amèlie to go get a table and we would meet them over there. After 10 minutes of picking out dresses Sombra went with a black dress that exposed half her back and I went with a dark crimson red dress that had a V neck and a slit up the left thigh.

Sombra curled my hair and aplyed red lipstick and some eye liner. I had to admit she did do a good job with the makeup and the hair. "You look good amego. That will surly make Amèlie jaw drop" she said with a wink.

"Thank. You look amazing to" I replied back sloping on some flats. I am not about to walk in high heels. "Don't I always" Sombra said leading me over to her hover car. The car was black with stripes of red on it.

We got in and drove off to the restront Amèlie and Gab were waiting at. As we did we passed a house that felt all to fimiliar to me. Sitting outside was a girl who looked like she was sad.

The car came to a halt cause of the red light and the girl looked up. He face what's shocked to see me and I don't know why. She immediately pulled out her phone and called someone. But by that time we were already gone.

We arrived at the restaurant and went to out table. Barley anyone was here so it was quick but not to quiet. They were playing one of my favorite songs, Dangerous woman by Ariana Grande.

I sat down by Sombra and looked at Amèlie to see her mouth open a little bit. "Send what I tell you" Sombra whispered nudging me in the side. My cheeks heated up and I quickly looked through the menu.

After everyone ordered and Sombra and Gab went to the bathroom Amèlie spoke. "May I say you look beautiful cherì. Apsoulouty stunning" She said as she grabbed my hand and kissed it. "And you look as lovely as ever my love" I replied taking her hand and kissing it.

Suddenly a flash went of followed by multiply clicking sounds. We looked for Sombra but she wasn't there. We were about to get up and look when she came out of the bathroom. "What's wrong amego's? You look worried" she said concerned and sat down.

"Nothing we must be perinoid that's all" I said while Amèlie nodded. I don't know what it was but it sounded like someone was taking pictures of us and if it wasn't Sombra then who was it.

We brushed off the feeling when the food came. We all laughed and told stories, we even shared a few personal thing. Like the most embarrassing moments,
first kiss, you know things like. that.  We were having fun together, we were being a family.

Scarlet P.O.V

What the hell did I just see. That can't be Jade, Jade was dead. Well it could be her since her body got stolen along with the antidote. There's only one thing left to do. Follow them. So I grabbed my camera and ran after the car. Luckily it stopped at a near by restaurant.

I watched as Jade walked in with a woman. And I couldn't believe what I say. Jade was siting with Reaper, Widowmaker, And I think her name was Sombra. I didn't have enought one to take a picture of all of them cause the two left but I managed to take a couple pictures of Widow and Jade together.

I knew this was gonna break Mercy's heart knowing Jade and Widow were a couple know and she was working for the enemy. After I took a couple pictures I ran to my house and got into my car and drove of to the overwatch base. If anybody was to get back Jade it would be her old family.

*Time skip base*

Everyone was in shock when we pulled the pictures on the big screen. Misty Mercy cause she liked Jade and know Jade was with Amèlie. But there was also a burning flame in her eyes.

"Well all be damned. There the ones who stole Jade. And we're gonna be the ones to stele her back" McCree said. Angela nodded along with Lucio,, Lena, basically the whole team. "What's our first move Cap" Ana said.

"First we found witch base there using and how we're gonna get her back. Black watch may be small but it's one of the most heavily guarded places I know" 76 said. We listened to his plan and decided to do the plan later on tonight.

Everyone was sticking their guns with ammo, sharpening there weapons. Mercy however seemed to be happy but at the same time sad. I walked over to her and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Listen Mercy don't be sad. If anything be happy, were gonna go save Jade and bring her back to her real family" I said.

"But what if she doesn't remember me, what if she forgot about me and...And-" "Listen Angela! Jade hasn't forgot you or any of us. Talon took some of her major memories but the ones she keeps in her heart will always be there. And each day she's apart for you her love only grows stronger. She may not know it yet but deep down she knows being there isn't right. She knows she belongs with you..She belongs with us" I said and pulled her in for a hug.

"Thanks Scar.. I needed that" Mercy said and with that she left to go help the other get ready.

We're getting our Jade, no matter what it takes. They think they can come over here and take her away from us. Well they have another hing coming. Talon better watch out, overwatch is coming and we don't like to play.

Black watch is gonna wish they never took Jade.

Mercy X Fem Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin