The New Guy

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I woke up cold, I turned to see my girlfriend but what I saw was an empty bed. I looked at the clock 6:35 am. It's not normal that Angela would be up this early unless it was an emergency. I got up and put some sweets and a black t shirt on.

I walked out of my room and into the the hallway. I could here Angela filing and I knew she must be with someone. I walked further into the hallway to find Angela talking with a guy I had never seen before.

"O Babe this is Luke, he's a new overwatch agent" I looked at look a nodded. "I'm Jade, it's nice to meet you" please stay fifty Fett away from Angela she is mine and only mine. I thought to myself, since I'm part wolf I'm very territorial, especially around men.

"Hi it's nice to meet you, I've hear very good things from Angela about you" Luke said with a smile. I nodded, something about this guy wasn't right. I yawned and looked at Angela.

"Well it was nice meeting you Luke, but me and my girlfriend have some sleep to cetch up on so bye" I'm made sure to put emphasis on girlfriend. I picked up Angela and carried her to our room.

I set her down and closed the door, and locked it so that creep can't and won't ever get in. Angela smiled at me before pulling me down onto the bed with her. I smiled and she kissed my forehead.

"Are you jelousy?" Angela asked playing with my hair. I nodded and she sat up and looked at me. She straddled me and I laughed. "If I don't recall, someone once said I'm not jelious, I'm territorial. Jelious is when you want something that isn't your. Territorial is when you protect something that is already yours. If anything Luke is jello-" was all I got to say before lips crashed into mine.

Angela moved her hands to cup my face and I pulled her closer to me. We kissed for what seemed like forever untill we broke apart for air. Angela kissed down my jaw before moving to my neck. She nibbled on my weak spot making me gasp and move my hands to her waist.

Suddenly the door opens and Luke walked in "Sorry I thought this was Angela's room" he said standing at the doorway. I grinded and death glared him "Even if it was, it gives you no right to just walk in without knocking. Didn't your mother teach you any manners!?" I said as Angela got off of me.

And I know damn well I locked that door to, how the hell did he get in. He mumbled before leaving. I got up and closed the door again, this time making sure I locked it. I got back in bed and faced the other way. This guy is really starting to piss me off.

Angela giggled before rolling me over to face her. But when I didn't move she huffed and turned the other way. I smiled and turned the other. I scooted closer to her and wrapped my hand around her waist. She tried to shake me off but I pulled her closer to me that way she was agents my chest.

Angela's P.O.V

I couldn't help but smile. I let Jade pulled me close and hold me, I could feel her chest rise and fall. Her steady breathing ment she had fallen asleep. I turned around and kissed her on the head. She was the love of my life and I was never gonna let her go.

I snuggled closer to her and enjoyed our warmth. She mumbled something about beating Luke ass if he ever touched me. I giggled and kissed her again. Jade realy didn't like look, I can tell by the murderous gaze she gives him. But I wouldn't blame her, I don't like him either.

Something about him is off. I know you shouldn't judge before you get to know but....hes just, I don't know. Creepy in a way but also interesting in another way.

What am I thinking, Jade is my love and the only person I will ever love. I'm not gonna break her hear again, it breaks mine to know I did. And I'm not about to make that mistake again cause of some new guy.

Luke can fuck off for all I care. I have all I need right next to me.


I woke up to someone poking my arm. "Five more minutes Jade" I said sleepily. I rolled over and heard a sigh escape Jades lips. She made this noise that I knew all to well. She only made this nose when she is about to do something mischievous.

Jades P.O.V

It was time to go train, we had already sleep through the alarm about three times already. She rolled over and I made a low whistling sound that ended in a high one. I got back in bed and faced Angela. I'm gonna give her one more chance to get up or else.

"Come on babe it time to eat. I'm hungry!!!" I wined she didn't move she only grumbled something about pancakes. Okay I gave her a chance and she denied it. I pulled Angela closer to me and put my leg in-between hers.

I shook her one more time before I moved my leg up and started moving it back and forth. She gasped and grabbed my shoulder. I did this for about two minutes before stoping completely and getting out of bed.

Angela wined and tried to pull me back but I was already by the door. "Get up an get dressed babe, we have training to do" I said and through her some cloths. She mumbled and got up to changed.

"I hate you" Angela said. I put my hand over my heat pretending to be hurt. "I was gonna finish what I started later but since you hate me I guess I won't" I said and turned to leave. She grabbed my waist and spun me around.

"I love you"she said and gave me a kiss "you promise to continue after we're done?" She asked with a smile. "I promise, and when I promise something I never break my promise" I said before giving her a kiss.

We left the room and headed towards the lunch room. I headed towards our table to find the devil himself sitting there. Damn must he reuin everything for me!?!

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