Your My Everything

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I woke up to the sound of someone snoring. I looked around and found myself in the medical bay. I remembered everything that happens the other night. Luke and me fighting, falling down the hill, him being impaled with a medal rod. Just thinking about it made me have chills.

I sat up and looked over to find Angela sleeping on the chair. I smiled and got out of bed and walked over to her. I picked her up and put her in the bed. She stured around before stoping and snuggling under the blankets. I smiled and walked out the room.

I was surprised to find most of the team in the waiting room. When they saw me everyone got up and rushed over to me. I was engulfed in a huge group hug. They all let me go after a while cause I couldn't breath.

They let me go and moved back and justed stated at me. Well I thought they were staring at me but they were actually looking behind me. I turned to see a tired Angela up. She gave me the biggest smile before giving me a hug.

"I'm so sorry Jade" Angela said as we broke apart. "Luke put a love potion on me to make me fall in love with him and-" I cut her off by giving her a kiss. I pulled back and she began to talk again.

"That's why he kissed me, and I'm soooooo sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Your my everything, not a moment goes by that I don't think of you" Angela said with tears going down her cheeks.

I put my hands on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes. "What lies before us and what lies ahead of us is nothing compared to what lies within us. We make mistakes Angela, it's what makes us human" I said and she nodded.

"Mistakes are ment to be made so we can learn from them" I said while whipping away some stray tears. "I love you" Angela said. "I love you too" I said and kissed her on the cheek.

Everyone said awww and began to clap. I sighed and Angela giggled "So what do you want to do?" She asked. "Well first your gonna go get some sleep because I know you haven't sleeped" I said and dragged her to the room. "But I don't wanna sleep!" Angela wined.

"I don't care, doctor's orders" I said with a smug grin. She rolled her eyes and followed me. Once we were in the room I closed the door. Angela changed into an oversized t shirt and shorts and I changed into a sports bra and shorts.

I laughed cause as soon as she hit the pillows she fell asleep. I watched as her chest raised and fell with every breath she took. I smiled as my eye lids got heavier and heavier. I fell asleep soon after my eyes closed.

I woke up to a cold breeze. I got up and looked around. I wasn't in my room anymore I was in the woods. Mercy was no longer next to me I was alone. I got up and began to head back when screaming stopped me.

The screaming sounded so familiar, that's when it hit me. It was Angela. I ran to the screaming to see her crouch on the ground holding a body. I got closer and noticed who the body was, it was Luke's. But how he got impaled, I began to walk back but I tried making Angela look at me.

"Why Jade" she said and looked up. Blood was all over her face and she had pure sadness in her eyes. "Why would you kill him! He made me happy and you just had to fuck it up for me" She yelled tears brined my eyes.

"Angela I thought you loved me?" I asked. She got up and walked over to me, she grabbed me by the colour "love you?" She laughed "Please I never loved you, I was just using you. You really are just a stupid kid arnt you" She said and threw me to the floor.

"I'm sorry Jade but you leave me no choice. Since you killed Luke it's only fit I kill you in return" Angela said and pulled out a knife. She began to walk towards me and I began to crawl back before I hit a tree.

I begged her to stop but she didn't. She bring the knife into the air and-

"Jade!" I woke up breathing heavy and sweating. I looked over to see a worried Angela. "Your having a bad dream. Come here" Angela said and pulled me closer to her.

It was all a dream, just a realy bad dream that seamed sooo true to me. I hugged Angela tighter never wanting to let her go in fear I would lose her. I knew it was all a dream, that it would never happen.

After Angela calmed me down we layed back down and went back to sleep. Angela hugged me from the back and watched me sleep before she fell asleep herself.

I'm glad I have Angela. She's the light of my life and the love of my life. I don't know what I would do without her. The fear of loosing her is so great that when I think about it makes me want to break down.

I remember the first time I layed eyes on her. She seen me in a sports bra and I scared her. Those memories I will cherish untill the day I die and even after that.

I never knew what love felt like untill I met Angela. She showed me what it feels like to be loved, all of them did. I am finnaly happy with my family. They have my back and I have there's.

This is a family mad of loyalty, love, and fighters. Not a day goes by were I need one of them to help me or they need my help. We relie on one another for support, help, and love.

Together we can make the world a better because we are Overwatch. And we are gonna do everything in are power to keep everyone safe.

The End

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