Dont Mess With The Wolf

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Jades P.O.V

My heart is a wolf ruled by two moons; one which beckons me back into the night, the other is calling me home.

Angela was my second moon, she was the moon fighting to call me home to her and everyone. The moon that I would always win my battles over. Inside of everyone there's are two wolves battling.

One is full of greed,envy, lust, hate and the other is filled with love, satisfaction, generosity. You choose witch of them wins. For Luke the black wolf has won, it filled his heart with envy, and poisoned his should with greed and lust.

For me the wolves are still battling, it's what I choose to do right now at this very moment who wins. I can either go back and let Angela explain to me what happend or stay out here with my own kind.

But for me this choice is hard, cause right now I'm not feeling any emotion right now. Running in the rain, listening to the thunder hit the ground around me. I finnaly stop on a mountain side. I stand on the edge and look below. I see nothing but a rocky death below.

Everything hurt, my heart, my body, my soul, everything. I put my hands in my hair and let out a scream the same time thunder struck the ground. I stepped away from the the edge and fell to my knees. You could no longer cry, the rain did it for me.

I sat there and looked out at the valley. Everything out here looked so peaceful, I began to wonder if I left and forgot about everything would I finnaly be happy?

No! I wouldn't, Angela made me happy, being an Overwatch agent made me happy. If I leave know and leave everyone behind could I possibly endure loosing them all? I couldn't, they were my family and families stick together.....No one gets left behind.

I got up and was about to head to the base when I sensed someone behind me. I turned around to see a angry Luke. I don't know what happend to him but his eyes were red and he was growling.

Suddenly he changed into a black wolf and snarled showing his teeth. This was it, this was the battle to determine who one or lost. I changed into a white wolf and snarled back.

He lunged at me going for my throat but I moved in time and he bit my shoulder. I let out a howl in pain before grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and through him away from me. He skidded on the ground before he got up.

We fought long and hard, the ground becoming muddy and slipery from the rain. We both had mud all over use from being thrown to the ground. We were standing facing each other. He was facing the trees behind me and I was facing the end of the cliff.

He lunged at me and thunder shook the ground. I jumped at the same time and grabbed him by the throat and through him tears the end of the cliff. He skidded back and lost his footing on the rock sending him over the edge.

I changed back into a human and ran to the cliff edge. I found him hanging on to a loose rock. I got down on my stomach and extended my hand out to him. He looked at me confused "Why are you helping me? After everything I have done to you, why help me?" He coughed out.

"Despite everything you have done. Killing you isn't gonna bring me peace. Nowing you are dead will only bring me guilt. People makes mistakes, that's what makes us human" I yelled over the blaring winds and the sound of booming thunder.

"If we have no flaws, we art human. Humans make mistakes and we learn to fix them. It just takes time and work" I said reaching out to him again. I could here people behind me but one voice rang through all the others. It was Angela

"Jade!" She yelled. I looked back and when I did Luke graves my arm "You should have killed me when you had the chance Jade. If I can't have Angela you can't either!" He said before pulling me over the edge with him.

We were falling, falling fast. We both hit rocks and other things along the way. We rolled down the rocky mountain together. I could feel every little rock colliding with my body. It hurt like hell but I've been hurt worse.

We finnaly stopped on the ground. I looked over to my side to find Luke had been....Impaled with a medal rod they was sticking out of the ground. I touched my head with a shaky hand, feeling warm blood stick to my hand I groaned out in pain.

I heard voices again and saw everyone heading down the mountain from the path. Suddenly a golden glow surounded my body and I felt numb. Angela was right by my side healing me. I weakly smiled at her before black dots began to form and I passed out.

Both sides could have won, we both could have settled our differences and worked through the problem. But like I said before the wolf inside him poisoned his mind and took over his soul. He was so far too keen over that the only thing he could think of was greed. If he couldn't have Angela neither could I.

He tried to kill us both but the wolf inside me kept me on the right path while the wolf in him led him down the rode to distruction and death. Listen to me when I saw to never let the black wolf win.

No matter what the cause is, it will only lead to death. For some people they have already chosen the black wolf, I can only pray they turn back and make the right decision.

Who knew Luke was a bad guy from the start, don't be afraid to tell me. When I first thought of his name I instantly thought of some evil guy that killed people for sport. Anyway what did my little creampuff think about this chapter? I was thinking of so many ways this could have gone. But I settled on this one cause...Well...Idk I just liked this idea best. As always I love all my little creampuffs 😘

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