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"Have you heard of the girl dropping candy?"

"Yeah, she's crazy!"

"Exactly! Why would anyone trust her?"

"I don't know..."

I awkwardly listened to the pair of girls gossiping. Every year, there's a weird story... since it's Halloween. It's not like I could help it anyway, they're right in front of my locker.

"Hey, um... I have to get my stuff..."

They glanced at me, slowly walking into the narrow hallway, their figures getting smaller. I took my stuff, seeing a black figure in the corner of my eye. I turned to it swiftly, but saw nothing there. Then, I looked up, and I saw her.

The girl on the news? She's right there.

Why is nobody freaking out?

She said something, but I couldn't hear her, so I just read her lips.

'Hapie berthdae?'

Happy birthday.

How'd she know it was my birthday?

The bell rang, shoving me off my thoughts. Oh yay, more lecturing.

"Why aren't you in class?"

"The girl! On the news? She's right—"

I pointed to the door, her figure gone. My finger shook, a violent shocking feeling flowing through my my body. I revoked my trembling hands, looking at  the heart lines. (A heart lines is the line in the middle of your hand!)

"Am—Am I hallucinating?"

"No more excuses. This is the fifth time this month. Why don't you have a talk with the principal?"

"No ma'am, that won't be necessary!"

"Alright... you're getting a tardy. One more time, you're visiting the principal."

"Yes ma'am! Thank you!"

    I rushed to history, still shaken by what I'd seen. That couldn't be here! Perhaps my eyes were just fooling me. As I sped walk, I accidentally crashed into the quiet girl who usually sits in the back with a hard hit to the shoulder.

   "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!" I fell to the ground, trying to pick up as much as her items as I could, handing them to her.

   "Yeah. Sure. Whatever," she said monotonously, walking forward.

  "Whats up with you?"

  She turned around again.

"Maybe if so many people didn't "accidentally" shove me all the time, I would accept it better."

She kept walking, the bell ringing right on cue. My stuff was still spread messily around the hallways from the crash. I clutched my shoulder; still throbbing, and headed to the bathroom.

   You usually feel much cleaner after a shower, with or without water, I noticed. After watching my face, I noticed a candy wrapper on the sink, looking oddly familiar. Grabbing the crumpled dark pink and white wrapper, unraveling it slowly, there were words written inside with what looked like red gel pen, the ink smudged.

I ĸɴow yoυ нαveɴт нαd тнe вeѕт вιrтнdαy, ѕo I'м тαĸιɴɢ cαre oғ αll oғ yoυr proвleмѕ αѕ α ɢιғт. :) -α

Candy Meant for RunawaysWhere stories live. Discover now