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   I haven't seen the girl ever since the incident in the hallway. I've never seen her before, nor ever seen her talk to anyone about it, so I didn't ask anyone. I was eating lunch outside by a tree, until I heard crying from a bush across me. I stood up and dragged my feet across the faded stone pavement to the sound.

  The crying stopped, but then the teeniest nasally weak voice spoke out to me.


"Why are you crying?"

   "My friend... she ran away. That doesn't make any sense! She didn't tell me the day before or even a text message, just some dumb letter saying "I ran away for someone's else's peace." What does that even mean? She's not even the type of person to say something like that!"

   "...Who was your friend?"

   "Zola. Light blue hair, blue eyes? She loved blue, it practically threw up all over her."

   Her. She was the one who I bumped into.

   "You know her, don't you? Do you know anything?"

   "No... sorry. I just bumped into her a few days ago."

   It broke my heart when disappointment fell on her face. A single tear trickled down as she gave a weak, forced lip smile. "It's okay. Thanks for listening to me."

   My throat twisted with an urge to give out an answer that I don't have. I just nodded and walked towards the stomped flowers. She seemed to crouch down and draw something in the dirt with her finger, but I turned away, because it's rude to stare. When I gazed upon the flowers, they looked like they could've been much prettier if they could bloom. The crumpled petals and zagged stem just made me even more sad. People who walk over flowers don't deserve to have luscious flowers in their life if they don't admire it or at least give a bit of care to them.

  People who walk over other people don't deserve to have other people in their life.

Candy Meant for RunawaysWhere stories live. Discover now