Until The Day I Die

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If someone told me 6 years ago, that one day I was going to move to Maryland live with my only aunt that hated me, I would just laugh and walk away. Now if you tell me I wouldn't laugh or walk away. How do I know this? Because that's was what was actually happening to me. (-__-]. Yes I'm moving across the country from Oregon to Maryland to live with my only family, my aunt Andrea, who btw, hated my guts. What about your parents? Well my mom dies at birth, and she was an only child. Her parents dies before I was born. I lived with dad in Oregon until he was called into the service when I was only 9 and I went to live with my Grandparents. Then when I was 11 we received the news that my dad had died in the war. Now when my grandma found out she got a heart attack and also passed away. Me and my Grandpa went through a lot and we helped each other get through and I lived with him until I was 16. Why 16? Cause that was my age when he passed away, which was only 3 months ago. Now I'm forced to live with my aunt until I turn 18 and I'm old enough to manage the money my Grandpa AND my dad left me.

"Here we are." said the taxi driver. I came out of my thoughts and looked up at him.

"Oh. Okay thanks." I paid him and got out of the car into the dark and rain of early March. I went to the back and he opened the trunk. I got my three luggage bags out and my 2 huge boxes of things. The man came out and helped me get my things to the door of the huge white house with 3 floors. "Thank-you!" I yelled at the taxi as it drove off. I sighed and turned to the house and rang the door bell. I looked around and saw trees were hovering the house. I lived near some woods, wow didn't see that coming. My grandpa just dies from a snake bite from hiking in the mountains in Oregon. How ironic.

Someone then opened the door and look back. From where I am I can see the house is huger inside. "Hello, how may I help you?" the person who answered the door was in a maid uniform and looked no older than me. Blonde with blue eyes, she was pretty. Too pretty to work as a maid.

"Hi, I'm um, Sulema Castro, does Andrea Castro live here?" Like I said before my aunt hates me, therefore she didn't even bother to pick me up from the airport or at least send anyone and I was on my own to find this place. It was actually pretty easy. I got in a cab said to Andrea Castro's house and here I am.

"Oh you're her niece right?" I nodded, "Okay right this way please. Irvin!" she yelled as I about to get my bags.

"Yes Claire?" a annoyed voice said coming from down the hall. Then a guy with shaggy brown hair and brown eyes came behind her. He looked like he had muscles and you can tell even with the dark blue buttoned shirt he had on. He had plump lips and ivory skin that matched perfectly with nice lashes. He looked just a year older than me.

"This is Sulema, Ms. Castro's niece, can you please take her stuff up in her room."

"Yeah, gladly." He said without taking his eyes away from mine.

"Come inside Sulema." said Claire and I looked away from Irvin and went inside. The house was huge and everything was mostly crème color. We stopped in what seemed the center of the house and I saw the arched staircase going to the second floor and 3 wide halls going to my left the center and my right.

"Where's my aunt?" I asked.

"She's in her study."

"Oh, can I go see her?"

"I wouldn't recommend it."

"Where's her study?"

"Down the left hall 3rd door on the left but I wouldn't bother her right now-" she said quickly before I cut her off.

"Thanks!" I said and walked down the hall.

I heard Irvin chuckle and Claire say "Shut up Irvin." as I went down the hall and count three doors. The doors were pretty spaced apart but I finally got there. I opened the door and I saw her green venomous eyes look up at me.

She made a face and said, "Oh its you."


This is my 1st upload on wattpadd please comment and vote and tell me waht yhu think :]

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