Until The Day I Die (2]

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"Yeah, me." I said and sat down on the black leather couch. The whole room was dark green and black and so....boring.

"Hasn't Grandpa Mikey taught you any manners."

"How can you talk about your passed away father that way!!" I yelled and got up and walked to her desk where she was working as if I wasn't there. "You have no soul. No wonder grandpa and grandma never told me good things about you." I said my voice as cold as ice and as hard as steel. I put my hands on the desk and looked down at her.

That stopped her right there. She tightened the grip she hand on some papers before she let them go and she looked up at me, her eyes deadly. "Look here child." she stood up and slammed her hands against the table so hard I jumped back. "In 2 years you'll be out of here and away from my life. We can make those 2 years nice and simple or harsh and miserable,....its up to you. Just stay out of my way. Now get out of my study."

I let out a deep breathe and turned around. "Nice meeting you." I mumbled and left the room.

Outside the door was Claire looking as nervous as ever. "Am I fired?"

I laughed, "No, and I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention."

She sighed in relief and we began to walk to the main room in the center. "Thanks and its alright. I'm Clarinda by the way, but you can call me Claire, I'm the...maid." She said the last part shyly.

"With me your not. You'll be like a friend to me."

She smiled, "Okay. And the from before that was Irvin he's the gardener."

"There's a garden here?"

She giggled and stopped, "Yeah in the back, its pretty big and he does most of the lifting here."

"Oh." we began to climb the steps, "Are you the only two who work here?"

"Oh no its me, him, Demetrio, May and my mom. May is my cousin and Demetrio is her older brother." By this time we were on the second floor that was huge. It had 3 main halls and the center hall had 2 more smaller halls. We turned to our left and headed to the 3rd floor. "And Irvin is just here on his own count but everyone treats him like family."

"How old is everyone.?"

"Well, I'm 16, May is too, Demetrio is 18 and my mom is like.....I really don't know, she won't tell me. You know how older women are about there age." We laughed.

"Claire! Watch your mouth!" said someone's voice in front of us. There was a lady in her early forties with short blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked like Claire except older.

"Oh hi mom. This is Sulema, Ms. Castro's niece."

"Oh well hi Sulema, I'm Hazel Claire's mom."

"Hi, nice to meet you."

"Well we'll catch up later mom I'm going to show her, her room."

"Yeah sure." she said as Claire pulled me away and on the 3rd floor. "Claire! I have to do the laundry come down now and help me fold!" She yelled behind us.

"Okay mom, coming!" She yelled back and turned to me. "You room is down this hall," she pointed to the center hall, "the last hall on the right, it's the only room on that hall." I nodded and she turned and ran down the stairs.

I turned to the halls and they seemed darker and older up here. I went where she told me and from down the hall I could hear my Aventura album being heard from down the hall. The song was "Su Veneno". I went into the hall and the only door there was a bit open and was where the music was coming from. I went to the door and opened it. The room was light purple and had dark furniture. The room was big and perfect. There was a window right on top of my bed literally and had a great view of....the trees. Wow. Irvin was still clueless that I was in the room so I cleared my throat and he jumped a little, almost dropping the CD box. "Oh god! I'm sorry I thought you be with my sister longer." he laughed nervously and turned off the music and put the CD away.

I laughed, "No its fine you can borrow it if you want."

"Really?" I nodded. "Oh, well then thanks. I love their music."

"Me too."

"Well I should leave I have school tomorrow."

"What school?"

"Emilio High."

"Really? I'm going to go to that school tomorrow too, what year?"

"Sophomore, just like May and Claire."

"Oh that's great cause it would me cool to know at least 1 person."

"You're a sophomore too?" I nodded. "Great." He smiled. "And I'm here if you need help with anything, and about school I'll be glad to be a friend, if your not embarrassed to have a gardener as a friend...." he said shyly as he looked down.

Was he serious? Do I look like the type of person who would feel that way? "Why would I be embarrassed? I'd love to have you as a friend. To me no one is a worker here there all like family."

"Really?" I nodded. "Wow, you are so different from your aunt." He smiled.

"Trust me we are. We just have one thing in common."

"Which is?"

"We hate each other's guts." I said with an innocent smile.

He chuckled, "Well I'll see you in the morning Sulema. Night." he said then winked and left the room, closing the door behind him.

I had a feeling me and him were going to be really good friends without a doubt. I went to lie down on my bed and I looked up at the window on top. I sighed. Weird day today. "Can't wait for tomorrow." I said sarcastically to myself before I turned the music back on and fell asleep with to the rhythm of it.


i noe ppl dnt even read waht i write but if you do i hoped you liked iht :]

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