Until The Day I Die (6]

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Sulema's POV:

They opened the door and everyone went inside, quiet like before. I went up to my room and closed the door behind me. I had the feeling that everyone was pretty pissed off that I'm friends with the guy that punched Irvin in the face and broke his nose. All I can say about the incident is that, Irvin had it coming to him and that Dean has a good punch because that nose is pretty fucked up.

A soft knock came from the door. "Yeah?" I said sitting up from my bed. Irvin opened the door and came in. He softly closed the door behind him as if he would get in trouble if anyone heard him here. "Hi Irvin."

"Hey Sulema, um I have to talk to you." He came and sat next to me on my bed.

"Alright. About what?"

"Well, first of all your probably wondering why I have a broken nose."

I sighed, "Actually, I already know why it happened and who gave it."

His fist tightened. "Oh."

"Yeah. I just want to know why did you want me away from Dean?"

"Can we just leave it at that he was with the wrong people at the wrong time? Please."

"Of course. I'm not going to force you to tell me anything. Irvin," he looked up into my eyes. "you tell me what you want to tell me, at what ever time you want."

"Thanks. And are your not going to stay away from Dean are you?"

"Well, I have no reason to. He's a real great guy I don't see why people don't like him."

"People cant like him. No one knows anything about him. Only the teacher at the main office. And you barely ever hear him talk, if you do its to say something mean or rude to you, so how do you like a guy like that. That's why I don't want you near him, he's a bad person and I don't want you getting you feelings hurt by him or something."

"Oh. Well he's very nice to me. And I noticed that people are scared of him, do you know why?"

"So he hasn't told you. Well, I'm going to let him tell you." he got up. "Lets see if you think he a good guy after that." he grinned. "Dinner is at 7." and he left my room.

What the hell did he mean by lets see if I don like him after that? Except the bigger question was what was the "That".

Dean's POV:

"Shawn! I'm home!" I said walking into my house.

"Oh good then you can help me with cleaning out the basement!" he yelled from downstairs.

"Sure." I said dropping my book bag on he floor and going down stairs with 2 sodas.

"Did you get suspended today?"

"Nope." I grinned and sat on the stairs.

"Wow isn't that an accomplishment for you."

"Yeah. How come you cleaning out the basement?"

He shrugged, "Extra space."

"Wow. Why you need my help if everything is cleared up already."

"So you can sweep at least." He said throwing me the broom.

I caught it and got up. "Sure. I left you a Pepsi on the stairs." I began to sweep while Shawn sat on the stairs drinking Pepsi, his blonde shaggy hair filled with dirt.

"Anything good happened at school today?"

Sulema. "Uh.." my palms got sweaty and my stomach had a funny feeling inside.

"Okay what happened?"

"Nothing." Sulema! Screamed my mind.

"Nope there's something in your eyes that's says something happened. Something big."

"Shawn, nothing happened." I said.

"Alright little bro I just want you to know that everything comes out one day."

"Not when there nothing to hide."

"Fine then. What's her name?"

"What?" I laughed nervously.

"The girl you like."

"I don't like any girl you psycho."

"Sure you don't. Is she pretty?"

"Shawn, just shut up."

"Damn alright just calm down. Does your school have a dance?"

"Uh, random, and I think they do in like 1 or 2 weeks."

"Oh. Is it like prom?"

"Na we're Sophomores."


"Yeah, but it's the only dance we're getting this year until we're juniors."

"Ahh...okay then."

"Why?" I said picking up the garbage.

"I don't know I just wanted to ask."

"Okay then. Well I'm done. I'll be in my room." I said and went upstairs.

I went inside and laid on my bed with my room shut. I can't tell Shawn about Sulema. He'll start bothering me about her and I don't want that.

Sulema. She made me feel something I have never felt before. "No." I said to myself. "What the hell is wrong with you Dean? In that school no one matters to you besides Mrs. L. You meet a gorgeous girl and all of that changes? No. I can't. I'm Dean Jaramillo. I promised myself I wouldn't let any girl in that school get to me. And I won't. I have to stop being near Sulema." I sighed and thought of her angel face.

"She gave her friends up for you." said a little voice in my head.

"Shut up." I said out loud. But my little voice was right. She did do that. Then her angel face in my mind turned into a face full of hurt and it tore my heart in half and made my body rage with hate to whoever would make her be like that. My fists tightened and you could see my veins on my arms, but then it went away when I noticed that it was my fault she was like that. She was stubborn so the only way for her to stay away from me was if I was mean to her. But I can't. "I have to at least try."

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