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Im sorry for yelling

But I love mpregs and I couldn't help myself

Also I care about your feelings and I love your input in this story

That picture has nothing to do with this chapter

it was just too cute to pass up

Ok, chapter time!


Everything was a blur.

All I remember is my friends pulling me off of Phil so the paramedics could put him on a stretcher and take him away. I also remember how Phil looked. He looked sick, almost like he did when he threw up that one day, and the veins on his arms were very prominent.

"Dan, get up!" Troye yells as he shook me a little. I open my eyes to see bright lights and nurses running around.

"Where the hell am I?"

"You're at the hospital, dummy. When the ambulance came to get Phil, you kinda blacked out." Connor spoke.

"Oh, my, God. Phil! Is he okay?"

"We don't know, but we do know is that he's not in death's way." Tyler says nonchalantly.

"Well, that's good. But do we-" I was cut off by a doctor walking in our direction.

"Are you Dan Howell?"

"That would be me, ma'am."

"Well Philip-"

"Phil." I correct her.

"Phil, passed out from high blood pressure and is awake and sitting up. He wanted me to come get you."

"Oh, thank God. May I ask what room he's in?"

"Room 204, I'll lead the way. As for you gentlemen, I suggest that you stay here."

"We understand completely." Troye said.

We take the lift to the floor that Phil was on and walk to his room. I open the door and see him, sitting up, watching some horrible soap opera on the hospital television.


"Yeah, it's me, babe."

"What exactly happened? I don't remember any of it."

"Well, we were walking home when you, all of a sudden, started stumbling back, and before I knew it, you passed out."

"But, why?"

"High blood pressure, common for stressed or pregnant people." The doctor answered

"There's no way I'm pregnant. I can't be, that's impossible."

"Well, have you been really stressed lately?"

"Not necessarily, why?"

"We should probably do an ultrasound."

"No way, I'm not pregnant."

"Mr.Lester, 1% of the male population can conceive a child. Better safe than sorry."

"Alright then, even though I seriously doubt it."

"Phil, please don't argue with her. Just let it happen."

So Phil lays back and pulls up his shirt and the doctor (whose name was Dr.Smith ) spread this strange gel on his stomach and does the ultrasound.

"Hm, seems you are pregnant."

"WHAT!?!?" We both say in unison

"Yep, 6 weeks along. Don't worry, they're still quite small."

"They?!?!" I say.

"Yeah, twins. They're identical twins."


"Phil, remember that time that we had sex.."


"And I, you know.."

"Ohh. That explains it."

"Well, congratulations to you both. Phil, you will be able to leave in an hour or so. Your friends can visit if they want," She smiles and stands up, "I'll print the ultrasound pictures for you."

"Thank you very much, Dr.Smith."

"Oh please, call me Jess."

"Alright then, Jess. Thank you again."

"No problem, guys." And with that she leaves with us left in our own thoughts.

"Phil, we're having babies."

"I know. Oh my God, we're gonna be fathers."

I pull out my phone and dial Tyler's number.

"Dan! Is Phil okay?"

"Yes he's fine but come up to the room we have news for you guys."

We wait for them to arrive to the room. It only took them about five minutes.

"What the news?" Tyler yells as they burst in the room.

"Phil's pregnant!" And everyone goes silent.



Sorry for the short chapter

Also if you wanted preggo Dan, I'm sorry

I couldn't find a way to make Dan pregnant and find a way for it to make sense

I also had to find a way to make Phil pass out and have that make sense, so that came to mind

So I'm sorry about that

But anyway

I'm getting a ukulele and I'm so excited

But let me stop rambling

Alright I'm out


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