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Hi frens

New chapter, new day

Baby shower is commencing in this chapter

So prepare yourself

*in Mario voice* let's gooo!



Okay, baby shower. I've got all my stuff and I'm just waiting for Phil to get home for the Doctor's office. Everything is planned and ready to go. Literally nothing can go wrong.


Everyone is at the venue, finishing the final touches (from what Louise told me), and now, I'm playing the waiting game. It's owl themed (because apparently Phil has an unhealthy obsession with owl stuff) and we're having it outside so Phil can be in touch with his inner house plant (that sounded weird). It's not raining for once, it's the middle of summer, and it's also my birthday. And yes, I did choose to have the baby shower on my birthday and I'm completely okay with it. I actually find it quite endearing. The day about my children is on my birthday. Come on Dan, stop pondering things and continue getting ready.

I call Louise in the meantime to make sure everything is going okay.


"Give me a good reason why you're calling again?"

"I just wanted to know that everything is going alright."

"Dan, this is the third time you called me in the past 15 minutes. Everything is fine."

"Are you sure-"

"Daniel James Howell, stop stressing. He'll love you just the same, even if his baby shower looks like a rat's nest."

"Don't tell me it looks like that."

"It doesn't. We literally have to put two more balloons out, and then we're done."

"Thanks for helping Louise. This wouldn't happened without you."

"No problem, Danny. Now go get dressed and get your man."

"Bye, Lou."

"Bye, Dan."

I hang up the phone and take a deep breath.

"Everything is fine." I say to myself in the mirror, "Everything is okay. Stop stressing Dan."

I hear Phil's car come into the driveway a few moments later. I freak out for a minute, frantically making sure that I hadn't wrinkled my outfit and that my ridiculously curly hair was in check. I sigh and sit down on the couch, trying to be normal, as Phil opens the door.

"Hello, my birthday boy!" Phil yells as he walks in.

"Hi sweetheart. How was the doctor?" I ask, hopefully sparking conversation.

"Pretty well. Twin B is making her way down, so she is almost in the same position as Twin A. Twin A is fine, though." Phil says happily.

"Awesome! Anything abnormal?"

"Nope. Not now, at least." Phil says.

"Okay then. Um well, I want to get out the house today."

"What do you mean?"

"Like go to a park or something. Come on, Phil, let's go out on some adventure." I say.

"Yeah, okay. Sure, let's adventure." He says, bouncing on his feet.

Dan, Phil, and The Two KidsWhere stories live. Discover now