Never Enough

545 9 30



Cute picture tho

Also Get ready for a lot fluff and a little bit of smut in this chapter

Aww snap, there's gonna be some mediocre written smut up in here

Y'all are not ready

Let's go!



I have so much to do.

I got to get baby clothes, buy groceries for the flat, and plan Phil's baby shower.

Which he doesn't know about.

Because it's a surprise.

And on top of that, Phil's mood swings have been out of control. He goes from wanting to cuddle and kiss me, to hating my guts and not wanting to talk to me, to wanting to fuck the shit out of me in the time span of a day. It's honestly really frustrating sometimes because he wants to kill me but, I want to love him, and vice versa. It makes it feel like he doesn't want me anymore, but I love him so much and I know he loves me too. It something that sticks with you. And I sometimes weep while Phil is asleep(which is often), thinking about how good I've got it and how bad it can get in a matter of seconds. It's stupid but it honestly sucks.

But, enough of this sob story. I've have got to get the girls clothes for when they arrive, which I am super excited for. Phil and I have order so many baby things off Amazon, it's ridiculous. I just can't wait for my baby girls to be on this Earth.

(Still Dan's POV)

"Mmm, Phil..."

Phil starts leaving a lovebite on my neck, palming me through my boxers. He comes up to give me a hot and passionate kiss.

"Phil, just fuck me already." He reaches in the bedside drawer and grabs lube and a dildo (since he can't fuck me because of the baby bump, you get it) and he slicks up three of his fingers and shove them inside of me. I basically screamed, not caring about the neighbors, and grip the sheets so hard that my knuckles turn white. Phil smirks at me as he takes my dick into his mouth. I grip his hair and moan loudly.


"Please what, baby boy?"

"Please, daddy."

Phil takes his fingers out of me and shoves the dildo in. I screamed loudly, and I'm talking loud. Like people in Australia could hear me.

"Daddy, harder...faster, please."

Phil's movements increase in speed and I can sense a familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"So close."

"Go ahead, baby boy. Cum for daddy."

I let a high pitched whimper as I came all over my stomach and a little on the bedsheets.

"Dan, don't you think it's fair to return the favor?" Phil says as he straddled my chest and shoved his dick in my mouth. I moan around him as he gripped my hair. He let out a beastly moan as he came down my throat. He collapsed next to me.

"I love you so much, Dan."

I was gonna say it back. That was until...

I woke up.

Dan, Phil, and The Two KidsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt