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Ok so y'all are fine about Phil carrying the babies

Good I can stop panicking

i was literally freaking out

but anyway

happy new year, my peeps

im so ready for 2017

this chapter is pretty cool but pretty long so.....

let's go!

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Tyler POV

"Phil's pregnant!"

I feel my heart drop to my stomach. How could Phil be pregnant? Isn't that impossible? I swear, everything has happened on this trip. They prank me by fucking each other, Dan expresses how much he loves chocolate lube, Phil passes out, and now he's pregnant? Could it get any weirder?

"We're having twins!"

Yes, yes it can.

"How could Phil get pregnant?" I ask.

"Do you want me to explain, Tyler?

"Yes, doctor Dan." I say sarcastically.

"Well, apparently, 1% of the male population can get pregnant. And Phil was a part of that 1%." He said.

"Literally, all the things happened on this trip." Connor sighed. I mean, he wasn't wrong.

"I know, Con. You guys must have had an effect on us because none of us expected this." All of a sudden the doctor walked in the room.

"Here are your ultrasound phot-oh! Well I suppose you know the news about your friends."

"Yeah we do. They're twins right?" Troye asks.

"Yes they are! Identical."

"Do we know the genders?" Connor looks at his hands as he waits for an answer.

"We won't know that until 20-25 weeks, sir."

"How far along is he?" I say.

"Quite a lot of questions, yeah? He's only six weeks along," she says, "Phil, you are free to go. You will visit me in two weeks to check on the babies, okay?"

"Okay, Jess. Thank you."

"No need to thank me." And she leaves, like nothing huge just happened. And then, Phil burst into tears.

"I can't believe we're gonna be fathers, Dan."

"Neither can I. This is insane."

"We should leave soon so Con, Troye, and myself can get our beauty sleep. Our flight is at five in the morning."

"True. We should probably go. C'mon Phil, I'll help you up."

We go back to their place and I just passed out. It was a long day full of randomness and I was so done. I'm glad that we got at least one collab in. I was just ready to go back to my own home.


Phil and I are at the airport, waiting for Troye, Connor, and Tyler to board their plane back home. It was kinda sad to see them go.  They were the first people to know that Phil was pregnant. So they were really special to us in these past few days. But I understand how much they wanted to get away from the craziness that is our lives. Also they probably wanted to sleep in their own beds, which is understandable.

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