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Walking anywhere at night is something that most girls hate doing. Not only is it dangerous, but it's also very nerve wrecking. With society being the way it is these days, it is impossible to even walk home without nasty cat-calls and uncomfortable situations.

On this particular evening, I am leaving a club a couple blocks from my apartment. The club recently opened and I decided to spend a night out with my friends before my college classes resume after the summer.

Although I am only 19, I am able to go to this club because it allows anyone 18 and up. Having fun with my friends is an opportunity that comes only every now and then due to my busy schedule with school, so I took advantage of it and stayed out until 3 a.m.

I'm usually a very "stay-at-home" type of girl. A typical night for me consists of books, Netflix, and chocolate. Going to the club was a big event for me and although it was way out of my comfort zone, I had a great time. As the evening came to an end, my friends Alli, Nat, and Steph took an Uber to their apartments, but I decided to be frugal and walk.

The distance from the club to my apartment was short; only a couple blocks. I feel safe enough. Digging around through my bag, I find my old pepper spray that I purchased months ago for when I would take the night shift at work. Clutching it in my hand, I began walking to my apartment.

The streets are mostly quiet with the occasional sounds of a car every now and then. My heels make a soft clinking noise as I briskly make my way down the side walk. The sound echoes off the tall city buildings.

No one is outside except or me and it gives the atmosphere an eerie feeling. I almost want someone to be outside with me, whether I know them or not, just so I don't feel so alone.

It's like my wish is granted when I hear another person's footsteps. Their steps sound forceful and urgent, like they are in a rush. I turn around to see who it is. There is no one there.

My heart beats faster and I pick up my pace. Only another block. I can do this.

I take my pepper spray out of my bag to make me feel more protected. There is a tab on the spray that you can push to lock it, so it does not spray. I unlock it.

The steps sound like they are getting closer. Beads of sweat form on my skin and I grow more worried.

My apartment building comes into view and I smile with relief. The footsteps fade away and I assume whoever was walking near me is gone. My heart rate returns to a normal pace and I relax.

I shouldn't have been worried in the first place. No one was trying to hurt me and I was safe. Besides, even if someone did attack me, I feel confident that I can defend myself and get away.

The big glass doors to the building are shut, but always unlocked. Through the glass, I can see the front desk and lobby area. The room is empty, but the lights and television are on. No one is seated at the front desk, as it is past 3 a.m.

I reach my free hand up to open the door. Suddenly, as I am about to grasp the handle, another hand comes up and near me. The hand is very masculine and covered in dirt.

While screaming in terror, I whip myself around. Before I can look into the attackers eyes, I spray the pepper spray as close to their face as I can get.

The person's hands fly up to their eyes. I can't tell who it is. All I know is that it is a boy. He stumbles backwards and lets out a grunt.

"What the fuck?!" he growls.

I fumble with the pepper spray and try to get in back into my bag, resulting in my stuff spilling everywhere.

He steps closer and I shriek, hurrying to gather my stuff.

"Why did you do that? I was going to hold the door for you!" the boy yells in anger.

My heart sinks and I immediately feel guilty. He wasn't trying to attack me, he was trying to hold the door for me.

My eyes meet his and they are dark red. Tears are dripping down his cheeks and he returns his hands to his face to wipe them away. He is wearing a ratty black t-shirt and jeans. I can barely make out his dark brown hair under the hat he is wearing.

"Oh shit, sorry! I thought you were gonna attack me!" I apologize as quickly as I can.

He bends down and picks up a tube of lip gloss for me. "I was just trying to be polite."

My things are all back in my bag. I stand up and smooth down my dress, before taking the lip gloss from him.

"Is there anything I can do? I just fe-" I manage to say before he speaks up.

"No, no. Forget about it. Goodnight." The boy puts his hands in the air in defense and his head falls. I can see dirt smudged around his eyes. That probably isn't helping.

I don't have time to say anything else. He has already entered the building and is inside the lobby, making his way to the elevator. I am shocked at how quickly he was able to recover.

I feel awful. Why did I do that?

I consider running inside after him to apologize once more, but decide against it. I'm probably the last person he wants to see right now. Well, he probably can't see.

I take a deep breath and go inside the building. The boy is nowhere in sight.

The elevator dings as it arrives and the doors open. After making my way into the elevator, I select the button for the 6th floor. I notice some dirt smudged on the button. He must be on the same floor as me.

Great, I am sure we will be seeing each other again.

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