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I immediately feel my cheeks flush. I drop my head down and let my hair fall in front of my eyes. Although Ethan is just trying to be polite, I can't help but feel small butterflies in my stomach.

"Uhm....okay." I reply, wincing after the words come out of my mouth by how awkward they sound.

"I'm done now." I push the hair out of my face and put it behind my ear. Ethan slowly turns to walk towards the parking garage. I can tell that he is waiting for me as he twists his head around and watches me.

I briskly walk and catch up to him, keeping my gaze on the smooth pavement. My feet make a soft clinking noise that echoes throughout the silent parking garage.

"Did you enjoy dinner?" Ethan abruptly asks. I am thankful that he is trying to start a conversation so the walk to our apartments isn't completely mute.

"Yeah, it was... pretty good." I am unsure how to end my sentence. The night has been so strange and I honestly just want it to be over. If I could take back any moment in my life, I think I would choose the moment I agreed to go on the double date with Natalie. That was a big mistake.

"Just pretty good? What's not to like about a greasy burger and soggy fries?" Ethan playfully questions. As we walk, the path narrows and we are on a smaller sidewalk. Our shoulders bump against each other with each step.

"The food was good, it was everything else that wasn't." Ethan seems to get what I'm saying and his face lights us in amusement.

"Hell yeah, that was the most fucked up date I have ever been on. Even our waitress was weird as shit." Ethan turns towards me slightly as he speaks. He makes gestures with his hands while talking.

I don't know why I am even observing him like this, but I really like how enthusiastic he is about some topics he talks about. The way he uses his whole body to express himself and the way his face brightens after mentioning certain things brings a whole new demeanor to his character.

I get distracted by my thoughts, but Ethan doesn't seem to notice. He continues with his rant about the horrible evening.

"And when she slipped me her number, I swear she was trying to hypnotize me with her creepy stare." His eyes widen as he says this, almost as if he were trying to give a demonstration of what it was like.

His animated story makes me laugh and without thinking, I reach my hand out and take his. Our fingers lace together and I feel his warm palm against mine.

I think my actions catch him off guard and he jumps a little. Slowing his pace, his eyes meet mine.

Pulling my hand away from his, his hand seems to not want to let go. I try to casually let my arm go back to being limp against my side. He shoves his hand into his pocket to avoid confronting what just happened. I can still feel his touch lingering on my fingers. My hand now feels cold without his and I miss the feeling.

Why did I just do that?! What got into you Olive? Sheesh.

"Sorry." I murmur the words and they are so quiet, I don't know if he even heard them. He makes a hesitant face before nodding his head and resuming the walk normally.

I thought this night could get anymore strange, and somehow I managed to do exactly that.

As we reach the front of the apartment complex, Ethan reaches out to grab the door handle. He stops with his arm midway up in the air, and then lets it drop.

I tilt my head to look at him and he has a funny smirk on his face. I can tell he is holding in a laugh.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I question his actions, "What?" The question comes out a little more sassy than I intended it to.

"Last time I was in the position, it didn't end well for me." He points to his red eyes and smiles.

I can't help but laugh, remembering the night before. Although I'm still embarrassed from what I did, I allow myself to laugh at the joke. He seems satisfied with his comment and grabs the door handle, swinging it open. I walk in, still giggling a little at him.

How can someone make to so happy, yet so uncomfortable at the same time?


Now exiting the elevator on our floor, I start walking to my room. I assume that Ethan's room is the same way, because he follows me there.

The hallway is long and straight, only turned at the ends where the stairs and elevators are. There is also a small vending machine filled with candies and beverages next to a fake tree by the end.

We walk until we reach my room around the middle of the hallway and I reach into my purse to take out my room key.

"Room 6-192. Interesting." Ethan's says from behind me as I unlock my door. I jump a little when he says that. I thought he walked past me to his room, but I guess not.

"Yep, this is my place." I twist the key and the lock pops open. I spin around to face Ethan and lean my back against the closed door. He doesn't seem to making any attempt at walking away.

We stand there and stare at each other for what seems like forever. I keep my hand on the door knob, ready to go into my room. Ethan suddenly starts to walk away.

"Well, ...bye." He keeps his head down and starts heading to the end of the hallway. I don't give myself enough time to reply and rush into my apartment.

With the door now shut and locked, I stand there a take a deep breath.

That was such a strange way to end the night. He left so suddenly. It doesn't feel like the right way to say goodnight.

Hm, okay then.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in like two weeks!! I had a test in every single one of my classes last week, and I have this standardized assessment thing this week!

I wrote this chapter the best I could, but it probably still sucks. Heh.

Anyways, thank you so so so much for 100 reads!!! I can't believe people are actually reading my story! :)

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