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The night carries on with light conversation about typical, everyday things like jobs, school, and childhood stories. I'm midway through a juicy cheeseburger and greasy fries. So far, nothing too awkward has happened since the initial introduction between Ethan and I, so I'm feeling okay.

I'm dipping a soggy fry in a cup of ketchup as the next topic of conversation arises.

"So, Ethan, what exactly happened between you and Cami?" Marcus asks and we all shift our attention to Ethan.

I can feel Natalie's body move next to mine as she kicks Marcus from underneath the table. Her eyes widen once he is looking at her and she shakes her head, giving him a frustrated look.

I have no clue what is going on, but I know that Marcus probably shouldn't have said that. Although I literally just met Ethan and he probably hates me, I can't help but wonder who this Cami person is.

Ethan's shoulders tense from hearing the question and he inhales deeply, placing his fork back onto his plate. It drops with a loud cling.

Running his fingers through his hair, Ethan bites his bottom lip and begins to explain.

"Well, for starters, I found out that she had been cheating on me with some guy for 5 months. They snuck around behind my back and she eventually fell in love with him." Ethan says quickly, his eyes never leaving his plate. He folds his arms across his chest and looks up at Marcus to see his reaction.

Marcus is leaning back and his eyes are wide. A soft blush has risen on his cheeks of embarrassment of Ethan's sassy response. He obviously wasn't expecting the answer he received and it still trying to process it.

"Wow. Dude. I had no clue. How did you find out?" Marcus proceeds to question Ethan, not seeming to have learned from his first question that he shouldn't be talking about this.

I look at Natalie just in time to see her roll her eyes. She seems to be pissed at Marcus for interrogating Ethan about such a sensitive subject.

Ethan reclines further into the booth and brushes his fingers through his hair once more.

"We were out at lunch and she asked me to take a picture of her. As I was taking the picture on her phone, she got a text from some guy under the name 'Nobody'. The text said 'Wanna come over after your done with your boyfriend? I can make you something.' I knew immediately that she was cheating on me with someone. I felt so disgusted reading that text. Whoever the guy was couldn't even use the proper form of 'you're'."

We all laugh lightly, both in sympathy and because we thought it was funny. I hope the laughter doesn't seem forced. Looking down at my hands. I let my hair fall in front of my eyes. I don't want to have to look at Ethan's face.

I feel even worse now. The poor guy went through a break up and being pepper sprayed. Things don't seem to be going great for him.

My heads springs back up when our cheerful waitress returns to see how we're doing. She has fixed her hair into a high ponytail on top of her head. It swishes as she moves.

"Are you guys liking everything okay?" Her smile beams and I try to return one, but only succeed in making a lopsided grin.

"Yeah, we're good. Thank you." Ethan nods at Sheryl. She somehow gives him a smile even bigger than the one she already wore and places her hand lightly on his shoulder.

"I'm glad. Do you want a refill?"

"Uh, sure. It's lemonade." Ethan hands his glass to Sheryl and she takes it from him, being sure that their finger tips touch when her hand connects with the glass.

"Okay, don't worry about paying for this. It's in the house." Skipping off, she gives Ethan a wink.

What the hell just happened? 'It's on the house?' Who even does that?

I look and see Ethan literally cringe at the interaction. It's almost comical in a way and I have to look away to avoid laughing.

"Dude, please tell me you are going to get her number." Marcus raises his eyebrows and tilts his head in the direction Sheryl walked away.

"Nah, there's no point. She trying too hard." Ethan shrugs off Marcus's comment. Marcus raises his eyebrows and scratches at his temple.

"Wow. That's sad." Marcus shakes his head and then picks up his phone to check it. I hear Natalie take a deep breath next to me and sink lower into her seat.

Although I just met Ethan and know nothing about him, I can't help but feel relieved that he has no interest in our waitress. The subtle sinking in my stomach disappears.

What am I thinking? I'm being pathetic. I don't even know this guy. How can I have feelings for someone I don't even know?

Deciding to distract myself from my irrational thoughts, I dedicate the rest of my night to my delicious food. The fries are slightly disappointing compared to the burgers served at The Crunch, but the cheap prices make up for it.

Man, this is a really good burger. How do they even make them like this?

The awkward silence has resettled itself over the table and everyone shifts anxiously. I try not to check my phone in hopes of being polite, although I'm not sure if it's even worth it now.

Reaching into my bag and taking my cell phone out, I click the home button to see if I have any new notifications. The screen lights up and shows my lock screen; a cheesy inspirational quote reading 'Anything is possible ' over a tropical scene.

No notifications, what a surprise.

After actually taking time to read the quote, my lock screen makes me think.

Anything is possible. Is it really?

Is it possible for me to leave this dinner and pretend it never happened?

I sure hope so.

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