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The dinner ends even more awkward than how it started. We all finish our meals and wait for the check to come. When Sheryl brings it to the table, no one grabs it. Everyone glances at one another with wide eyes, not knowing what to do.

After a good couple minutes, Ethan finally huffs and picks up the bill while reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a small wad of cash and counts out the correct amount.

Marcus tries to take it from him, but retreats when Ethan shrugs him off.

"Are you sure you can-" Marcus begins to ask, but then catches himself. He tugs a corner of his lip into his mouth, almost like he is holding back something he was going to say.

"I'm fine, I got it." Ethan murmurs. He tucks the remaining money back into his jeans. I want to speak up and help with paying, but I can tell he obviously doesn't want anyone to.

Sheryl comes back to the table moments later and takes the money. While taking the money from Ethan, she lingers her fingers on his and slips a small sheet of paper into his palm. Then, she sashays off, making a point of swaying her hips with each step.

How does she manage to stick her ass out that far without throwing out her back? Yeesh.

Ethan unfolds the paper and I can see a phone number sprawled across it. His expression doesn't change as he looks at the paper in his hands. There is a small smudge of dirt on his knuckles and some under his nails. I can tell he is still hurt about this Cami chick, and couldn't care less about Sheryl being into him.

Ethan sits still with just his fingers crinkling and smoothing out the paper over and over again. His face remains expressionless as he contemplates.

Natalie scoots closer to the table and tries to fire up a conversation.

"Dinner was really good. Thank you for paying for it Ethan." She reaches out and hovers her hand over his, before placing it on it and giving it a squeeze. I wonder if they have met each other before tonight because her gesture seems so natural and friendly.

"Yeah, no problem." Ethan's says and looks at Natalie with his lips pressed into a line. He is now tearing the paper in to small pieces, making a pile on the table.

Sheryl always seems to know the perfect moment to come to our table. She's rushes up with the final check in her grasp and places it slowly in the edge of the table.

"It was a pleasure serving you tonight." Sheryl enthusiastically chirps, mainly directing it towards Ethan. He doesn't make any attempt to even look up at her.

Unfazed by Ethan's rudeness, Sheryl remains her positive self.

"I hope to see you here again. Have a wonderful evening!" And with that said, she skips off.


I don't think I have ever left a restaurant faster in my life.

The moment Sheryl left the table after giving us the check, we all scurried away from one another with small murmurs of "goodbye" and "it was nice meeting you" and "see you later".

Once I have exited the restaurant, everyone hurriedly walks in different directions, me walking towards my car in the parking lot.

Instead of following Marcus to his car, Natalie meets me by my car and asks for a ride home. She looks worried and tense with her brow furrowed and eyes sad. I am about to question her on why she isn't riding with Marcus because he drove her here, but she holds her hand up to stop me.

"I don't want to talk about it. Things just... aren't great right now." She stutters while saying the last part, fumbling over finding the right words to say.

I just nod my head, not wanting to upset her any further. She climbs into the passenger seat and I go to the other side of the car, somehow managing to trip over an empty beer bottle on the ground.

The Crunch, such a classy place.

Just as I am about to get into my car, I see Ethan in the distance walking away. He has his hands shoved into his jean pockets and his head hung low. I wonder why he isn't driving himself or riding with Marcus. I grow suspicious, but try to not let it get the best of me.

Looking over at Natalie and then back at Ethan, I make a rash decision.

I can't believe I'm about to do this.

I shut the door once I'm in the car and drive up to where Ethan is. Natalie looks at me confused and I tell her to roll down her window. I slow down and stop right next to Ethan.

"Hey, do you want a ride?" I call out past Natalie. Ethan stops walking and comes over to the car window. Since he is on Natalie's side, we have to talk over her.

"What?" He looks quite confused by my sudden act of kindness. His cheeks are flushed and his red eyes looks tired.

"Do you want a ride?" I repeat my offer. Ethan looks off in the distance and thinks. He brushed his fingers through his overgrown hair and returns his gaze towards me.

"Uh, sure." He answers hesitantly. I unlock the doors and he reaches to grab the door handle to the back seat before climbing in.

I seriously hope this isn't going to be horribly awkward. At least I already know where he lives.

Natalie looks at me with her eyebrows raised. I just shake my head and turn the radio on.

As I drive off, the car fills with the quiet hum to the radio. I try not to think about the night and dinner at The Crunch, and just focus on driving.

Natalie has her forehead leaned against the window and Ethan is doing the same in the back. Neither of them speak. I hope Natalie wasn't expecting to talk to me about anything important during the ride home, because I definitely ruined that by picking up Ethan.


Hello! Sorry for the slightly boring chapter, it was kind of a filler chapter.

Thank you so much for reading! I'm so excited to write this story!

Also, thank you for 50 reads! I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but it is so rewarding knowing that there are people reading my story!

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