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After work, I go back to my apartment and change into some comfortable clothes. My go-to outfit for being lazy is a large hoodie and leggings. Typical girl move, I know, but it's just so comfy.

I go to my kitchen and grab a chocolate chip cookie that I got from the coffee shop before I left work. Not the healthiest of choices, but they were freshly baked so I couldn't resist.

Settling into my couch, I turn the TV on and put on New Girl; my favorite show. The jokes always put me in a good mood.

I scroll through my missed messages on my phone from when I was at work and check all of my social media.

3 messages from Mom

1 message from Kelly

1 Snapchat from Max

My eyebrows furrow when I see that I have texts from my mom. She hasn't talked to me much since I moved out.

Me and my mother used to be very close when I was younger. As I have gotten older, we have grown apart. I feel bad that this has happened, but I am just so busy nowadays. It is hard to find time for school, work, friends, and myself. Of course, I love my parents, but I haven't been able to express it lately.

I open the messages and they read:

"Hey honey, just wanted to let you know that we will be in town next weekend."

"We feel bad inviting ourselves, but we just really want to see you."

"Olive, we love you."

It makes me happy to see that my parents are making an effort to reach out and spend time with me.

Yikes. Next weekend? That seems so soon.

Although it is only Sunday and I still have almost 14 days to prepare, it doesn't feel like enough time.

My apartment are bare, the opposite of my old home. My work schedule is all over the place, opposite of organized, and I still want time available for me and my friends.

I'm not sure if I can be ready in time for my parents to come, but I guess I will have to make it work.

I remember that I still need to reply to my mom, so I type up a simple, "Can't wait to see you!" and hit send.

I click the message from Kelly and open it. It's just a text asking if we can switch shifts later in the week. I answer with a "yes" and go to Snapchat.

A smile spreads cross my face as I look at the picture Max sent me. It is a picture of him holding a coffee cup and smiling. The caption reads: "Caution: Almost as hot as you."

It's such a cheesy way to flirt, but yet it makes me happy. Max always tries to make to laugh and I pretend to get annoyed when, honestly, I love it.

I don't think I would ever actually date him, but he's nice to have around as a friend.

I reply with a picture of me taking a bite of the cookie and caption it "Almost as sweet as you!" Cringing at my cheesy joke, I send the picture.


After watching 3 episodes of New Girl, eating a frozen pizza, and drinking 2 sodas, I am sound asleep on the couch.

My apartment is almost dead silent with only the soft ticking of a the clock in my living room.

Suddenly, I am awoken by the sound of my obnoxious ring tone. My phone vibrates wildly on my coffee table.

It startles me and I jump awake. Picking up my phone, I see that I'm receiving a phone call from my friend Natalie, Nat for short.

I clear my throat and click the Accept button to answer the call.


"Hey Olive! Sorry for calling so randomly, but I have a huge favor to ask." I can hear a devious smile in her voice.

"Oh? What is it?"

"How would you like to go on a date tonight?" Enthusiasm radiates from every word she says.

"Sorry Nat, you're a great person, but I'm straight." I reply, attempting to be witty.

"Ha ha, very funny. But would you like to go on a double date with me and Markus?"

"Who is the other guy?" I question.

"Uh, honestly, I don't know. Markus just said he was bringing a friend along on our date and I thought I would invite you."

I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

Should I? It might be fun, but I'm not sure.

I pace around my apartment as I decide. My laundry is done, my bed is made, and my kitchen is actually clean for once. If I stay here, I'll probably be watching New Girl all night.

You know what, what the hell! What's the worst that could happen?

"Hey Nat, you still there?" I return my cell phone to my ear.

"Yeah! Do you wanna come?" She chirps excitedly.

"Sure, I'll come."

"YAY OLIVE! We're going to all meet at The Crunch around 8."

The Crunch is a local restaurant that Natalie and I used to go to every Friday night when we were in high school.
Although the food isn't the best there, the atmosphere is great with live music and fun events.

"Alright, I'll see you there."

"Can't wait!!"

I hang up and plop back down onto my couch.

I sure hope this is a good idea. Am I going to regret this?

In my hand, my phone buzzes as I receive a text from Natalie. Oh no, what now.

"This is going to be so fun!" It reads. Reading the text message makes me feel a little more excited. Natalie's positive attitude seems contagious, even over text.

Maybe the guy will be super nice! The date won't last more that a couple hours. I can do this. It's no big deal.

My phone only has 11%, so I plug it into the charger.

The screen lights up and I see that it is 7:23.

Shit. I'm gonna have to get ready fast.

I quickly rush into my bathroom and flick the lights on. Mascara is smudged under my eyes and my hair is clumped in different places. The grease on my face is almost strong enough to be a mirror. I don't even want to know what I smell like.

Well, fuck. I'm going to have to work some serious magic here. This might take a while.

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