KotLC REACT: Amazon

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A/N - sorry for no updates. Exams. I mean I know that's not an excuse but I seriously have exams right now so I'll try updating quicker even if I can't. So I might post them short but there will be many, I hope. Also I deviated from the topic in this chapter? O.o
Finally, I have written something called 'Plots'. They are different plots that struck me at night that are free to use, and I would enjoy seeing someone use them. Also, if you take a plot, comment on it so I can tell everyone the plot is taken. Sorry. So much author note. I will write a big one for this.

Keefe: This... what is this? All the hair spray is in the screen!
Dex: Just an image!
Keefe: What?! My hair spray... just... an image?! (Sobs)
Sophie: We can buy it.
Keefe: Eh?
Sophie: They'll deliver it to us, and it'll be real that time.
Keefe: You're a goddess, Foster! (Hugs Sophie)
(Won't let go)
(Please let go)
Biana: So pretty!
(Rows of dresses galore)
Fitz: So this is an alternate to going and buying the items yourself. Talk about lazy, no wonder the human population is overweight.
Tam: You can buy a Grumpy Cat poster!
Keefe: And here's a rare Pepe!
Linh: There are no... bunnies...
Dex: It's our autobiographies!
Keefe: Look there's me on that cover and that one I look so hot let's buy them!
Biana: Ugh do I really look like that they got me all wrong I'm prettier.
Keefe: No... way... I can only buy 10 of myself each?!
Sophie: So that we don't run out of stocks...
Keefe: I see now! This is because they want my awesomeness to spread everywhere over the world!
FitZ: Yeah, right.
Keefe: Vacker's just jealous he doesn't have a limit order on his cover!
Tam: So where do all these things come from, anyway?
Linh: The rainforest?
Fitz: (So adorable omg)
Dex: Uh...
Linh: It is, right? Right?!
Sophie: Yeah, sure...
Biana: What about the money?
Sophie: You can pay over the 'net or when they deliver it...
Biana: Human money... human money... so, like, this is a hundred... thousand! (Holds up a hundred (your own currency here) note)
Sophie: No, that's a hundred.
Biana: Million? Hundred million?
Sophie: No, just hundred.
Biana: Wat
Sophie: A hundred.
Biana: How can a currency note that small exist?!
Dex: Rich people problems...
Fitz: This site... sells weird stuff... (Scrolls through prank items)
Tam: These are... wigs!
(Keefe ninjas to Tam)
Keefe: Wigs?! Such a terrible crime, how could they replace pure, true hair with plastic?! High treason against the king of Good Hair land!
Linh: This one looks like Tam's...
Fitz: None of them look like yours, Keefe. Maybe your hairstyle isn't popular.
Keefe: No, it is obviously because my hair is too good!
Fitz: That makes no sense.
Dex: That elephant looks familiar.
Fitz: It's Ellie!
Keefe: And here's Mr Sparklebutt.
Fitz: It's Mr Snuggles! And why is he here?!
Biana: Ooh, Mrs Stinkbottom, was it?
Linh: Oh oh oh I see it I see it it's Keefe's stuffed animal!
Sophie: Want a stuffed animal too?
Linh: Yeah! A bunny!
Tam: Of course.
Sophie: How many?
Linh: ...FOUR!
Sophie: If you say so.
(A few minutes later)
Dex: Where's Linh?
Biana: Sitting at the door.
Dex: Why?
Biana: She's excited.
Fitz: But it isn't coming for... (checks) TWO DAYS!
Sophie: Y'know... we could pay them extra to get it in one day.
Tam: We must do it now ( °∆°)
Sophie: Yeah.
Keefe: Foster. My hairspray.
Sophie: Nah.
Keefe: That's favouritism!
Biana: All she means is she likes your hair like it is, right, So~phie?
Sophie: Let's order it quickly.
Keefe: I can't figure out whether the Mysterious Miss F is being nice or mean to me.
Sophie: How many?
Keefe: ... A hundred?
Dex: Rich people problems.
Tam: Then I want... a hundred of these shirts. (Pointy points at punk rock skull shirt)
Sophie: What sort of elf are you?!
Keefe: Right back at you, Foster!
Biana: Why would you ever buy the same clothing twice?! Look at my cart!
(Rows upon rows of different stylish dresses. The total comes to over a hundred thousand of your currency)
Sophie: This is even worse than Keefe!
Keefe: Oh no you did not just insult hairspray.
Tam: Better a hundred skulls than a bunch of colourful sparkly stuff.
Biana: >:o how dare you insult dresses
(Pandemonium. Keefe attacks Sophie's hair with hairspray. Biana makes Tam wear dresses. Linh waits for her bunnies.)
Dex: (Breaks computer) Problem solved.

A/N I know this sucked and was short I did this ASAP to get an update today for you guys sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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