How You Hug

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How You Hug


Him being the protective bad boy Alpha, loves holding you in his arms. With your arms wrapped around his waist, and his pinning you against his chest. He has his head rested in yours.


Scott loves hugging you every second he can. He bends down, so his head is in your neck and arms around your back. Sometimes he lifts you up and spins. You always kiss the top of his head before he releases.


Stiles and your's hugs get heated quickly. You usually start it by kissing his neck up and down before just rubbing your face in his neck. Stiles can't help but lower his hands to your butt.


Due to Isaac being a giant, you only barely reach under his chin do you'll rest your head on him. Your hugs are short, yet sweet, and given every time you see each other. Each hug is usually followed by sweet words being whispered in ears, or staring deeply into each other's eyes.

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