Chapter 5 - A Visit to the Club

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Hello again!

It makes my day when I come back from school and find that some of you guys are actually reading this book. But please do comment and vote! I'll really appreciate that!


Mugdha Mittal


They stepped inside. 

"So what all can you do here?" Astrid wanted to do something crazy. 

"Well, there's a lot of stuff. There's a swimming pool, a music hub, a gym, a dance hall, arcade gaming, you name it. But the best of all is the library. Anyways, where do you want to go?"

Astrid didn't reply. Kimaya looked at her, and found her gaze fixed at the center of the hall, where a huge crowd was gathered.

"What's going on there?" asked Astrid.

"I don't know. Let's go find out."

The two girls walked up to the place, and made their way to what was going on. 

"Oh God," said Kimaya, "It's an arm wrestling competition with Jake. That guy never loses. Look on."

A bulky man from the audience walked up to Jake. Jake's next competitor. The wrestling started, with each man trying to push the other man's arm down to the table. The crowd went wild, some supporting the competitor, the others supporting Jake, because he would always win.

The match ended. Of course, it was Jake who had won.

"See? He has not lost even one match. Too much of power."

Astrid giggled. "Well, let's go to the music hub, shall we?"

"Sure," said Kimaya, and led Astrid to the music corner. 

There were already three people inside the hub. Astrid and Kimaya quietly made their way to the piano, an instrument Astrid and Kimaya both loved. Just when they were about to start---


Kimaya turned around. 


"Hey! Never thought I'd find you here! And who's that pretty brunette with you?" Vihaan was flirtatious by nature. Astrid smiled at Vihaan, a little uncertainly.

"That's Astrid, my best friend from London. And a warning, don't even think of it."

Vihaan laughed. "Okay, I won't, Kimmy."

"Don't call me that! Only Astrid has the right to call me that."

"Okay okay, sorry, Ms. Wildcat."

"Vihaan, I'm going to murder you some day. I'm gonna go to hell for that, but I will."

Vihaan burst out laughing, earning glares from people who were trying to seriously play some music. Vihaan smiled apologetically at them, and turned back to Kimaya. 

"So? How come you're here? I never thought you were interested in music."

"Yeah, but you don't know me that well, do you?"

"Hmm. Maybe. So you're here to play the piano?" asked Vihaan, glancing at the instrument behind Kim and Astrid.

"No, I'm here to bang on its keys and break it." 

Vihaan smothered a laugh, not wanting to be glared at again.

"See? You really are a wildcat. Why are you so pissed off with me?"

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