Chapter 7 - The Meeting

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Kimaya's iPhone vibrated. It was late at night, and Kim wondered who it was.

"We need to meet. State the place and time." said the message. Kimaya frowned. It was from her old captor. What am I getting myself into?! she thought, groaning. But she knew that this was important for the happiness of her loved ones. 

Tomorrow is Thursday, I should be free after school. Guess 5 PM should do. She decided to reply back the same. "Tomorrow, 5 PM. At the Coffee Lounge near my school."

Her captor was fast to reply. "Okay. See you then."

Kimaya didn't really want to meet up. But she had no choice. Talking on phone was not an option. She put her phone away, covered herself up with the blanket, and soon drifted off to sleep.


Kimaya was anxious the whole day. There were two reasons for that. One, she was anxious about what her captor had to say. Two, in case anyone saw her with that person, it would be disastrous. She rushed out of her college, and went home to get ready. She put on a casual tee and jeans, got her handbag, and left. Her mother had an art exhibition the next day, and was very busy. Kim didn't expect her to be home before dinner.

She reached the coffee shop fifteen minutes before. She placed her order and was about to occupy a vacant seat, when someone smirked behind her.

"I didn't know you could be punctual."

Kimaya turned to face her captor.  

"I didn't know that you actually even knew me," she retorted.

"Thanks, by the way. For helping me out. I know you hate me, but.. Well, just thanks."

Kimaya smiled at the frankness. "It's not for you," she said. "It's for the people I love."

Her captor gave her a slight nod, and led her to a table. 

"So, why exactly did we need to meet?" asked Kimaya.

"Because we can't talk on phone. And this is important."

Kimaya eyed the person sitting across her curiously. What's going on? She wondered. Her expression earned a laugh from her companion. 

"I'll explain everything," said the person, laughing. "Well, to put it straight, I think they are - or he is - going to strike soon if we don't take any action fast."

"What?! Are you kidding me? The last time you met me, rather kidnapped me, you said it may take up months. And it's not even a complete week right now!"

"I can't help it, Kim. This was never in my hands. I said it may take months. But if it doesn't, I can't do anything."

"I understand. So now, what's the plan?"

"I... Don't know."

"What? Is that why you called me here?"

"Yes, actually. That is why I called you here. You're the only other one who knows about this. I want us to discuss, and reach a solution. Please."

Kimaya groaned. "You know I'm not good at this, don't you?"

"Come on. If you can skydive, you can definitely do this."

Kimaya looked up. "How did you know about that?"

"I know everything, Miss."

"Aren't we getting a bit cocky here? Too much for me to take," said Kim, making a face.

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