Chapter 4

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(Present Day)

Wellington. Thats where we lived before all this. Before phones stopped working, I remember I once Googled how long it would take to walk to Cape Reinga, to my brothers apartment. It came up with 9 days and 9 hours, Its been two weeks! But then again we do have to take other routes to dodge zombies even go in circles sometimes and we have to rest for longer and hide out for long amounts of time. Not to mention were malnourished.

We Just reached Taupo and were resting for the day it's time to calm down. It seems there aren't any zombies here at the moment to which I find odd.It's a really hot day and we're all desperate for a break, so we decide to have a little nosie around the shops near us to see if there is anything worth taking.

I'm looking in Kmart, when a squeal comes from the next store over. I rush to find out what happened, but when I walk in it's just Becky, again. "What is it now Becky" I say in an exasperated voice, she then lifts up something for me to look at. A bikini "really?" I ask her exasperatedly, but now that I look around, almost everything is untouched. "Becky you're amazing" "I know, I know; wait why are you saying this to me?".

"Look around Becky, all the clothes are fine" I yell out to the others "Guys come quick, Becky is fabulous". Then suddenly, there both in here asking me if everything is alright, 'cause I hate Becky."the clothes they're all intact" I say to them, They then proceed to look around. "OMG, some of this stuff is totally tumblr asthetic " Jem says loudly over to me "Get anything that is cool or you like the look of, summer is coming".

I start looking, because why the hell not.'Yes' I say to myself, as I have just found, an oversized jean jacket. 'It's perfect' I think to myself, then Becky says loudly "I'm going to give all the girls makeovers". I sigh dramatically, grab the jacket in the size I want it, then I pick up Jayne and head to Mason. "Hey, uh Mason, could you please look after Janny for a little while" I ask politely. "Yeah, It won't be a problem" then he gives me a heart warming smile, and I almost swoon, almost.

I put on the jean jacket, then go to Becky just as she is saying "now, where's Ad". "Here I am" "I'm gon-" "and before you ask,yeah sure, you can give me a makeover". She smiles brightly at me, while Jem looks surprised. Becky drags us along behind her as she picks out fits for us. She gave me and jem a bra, underwear, a dress and a bikini. "Put the bikinis under the dresses, then we can go swim in lake taupo later". "We'll see about that it really depends on if there are any zombies. But we really do need a wash".

I go to a changing room, but the door is locked, so I try the rest. "All the changing rooms are locked" I say to my companions. "Well, we will have to get changed here" Becky says really loudly, and I know it's so Mason will hear her. "Okayyyy" Jemma says. Becky starts some small talk by asking us the question, "what size are you?". She then answers her own question by saying "I'm a 10DTo my surprize Jem answers, she says "12C". "So addy, what size are you? I need it for the bras and bikinis" Okay, Okay, I'm size 10E" I say the last bit quieter that the first.

Becky stares at me with jealousy in her eyes, and Jem just looks surprised. "I knew you were big, just not that big" Jem says. Becky replaces the top of my bikini and bra, for bigger sizes.

It was two months ago when it all startedWhere stories live. Discover now