Chapter 5

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Jemma's dress is blue with white polka dots; her bikini is a galaxy.

Becky's dress is Tardis blue, with a longer trail at the back; her bikini is pink, blue, white with strips of black on it.

Now me that's a different story. My dress is a burgundy colour and it clings to my frame like a second skin, the sleeves are 1/4 length; My bikini is beautiful, it's a light blue colour and fits me so well.

I slide into the bikini, then put on the dress. It suits my style nicely , Becky is just full of surprises isn't she? Becky then calls to Mason "Mason, we're going to come out one by one; then go back and at the very end, we're going to stand in a line, and you're going to judge us first to last place" 'Of course she wants to look the best and she wants to hear it from someone else other than her own self' I think to myself.

"Okay guys, I'm gonna go first, then Jemma, then you. Oh, and remember to only go when the person before you is back. Wish me luck" Becky says making me roll my eyes. She then walks away. After about two minutes she's back and Jem goes I tell her to "break a leg". "So" Becky starts talking "I think I did pretty well don't you think" 'blah, blah, blah'. She yammers on the whole time, till jem gets back and I go. Masons jaw drops and he's almost drooling, I blush like a maniac. When Janny sees me he says "Addy, Addy I saw a butterpie" I smile at him and say I'll be back in a minute.

We all go back out and Mason says "do you really want the truth?" "uh, yeah nu da?" Becky says to him. "Okay well, this is just my opinion, but, Ad wins Becky comes second and Jemma comes third. No offense Jemma, you're very pretty, but you're not my type".

After that we head down to the lake. When we get halfway there, when I'm silently yanked into an alleyway. No one in our group notices, that I've been kidnapped. I'm pushed into a brick wall by a boy around my age. He holds a knife to my throat and asks "who are you and what are you doing here?have you been infected?" he whispers harshly his weight pushing into me. 'Oh god those eyes are gorgeous, dammit'. "Grey, why are they so grey?" I don't realise I said it out loud, till he blinks once then says "What?".

Then from behind him someone says "she's talking about your eyes idot". His head whips round, he glares at the shadows then says "You don't have to hide in the shadows, you know that right Tessa". The girl Tessa walks out into the light, her eyes then move from the boy to me "He was eyeing you up before, while you were walking. Just like a piece of eye candy". That must have annoyed the boy because he starts fuming and pushing me closer to the wall.

"Oh dear Chuck, Loki and Amara. You're suffocating me" I say grumpily to him. "Yeah, well you didn't answer my question. So why are you here" "You're praying to god, an archangel and gods sister" Tessa suddenly says, so I reply with a "I did always prefer Gabriel to Michael and the others".

"Nix let her down" "But-" "Let her down. I know you enjoy being so close to her, but I want her down". He dragged his nose along my jaw, nibbled on my ear then said "We should make a habit of this" he then put me down and acted as if nothing happened. "Okay, if you answer our questions we will answer yours" Tessa said.

"I do have a question" I say but before I can ask the question the nix boy says something "Is it:oh Nixon, why are your eyes so gorgeously beautiful?" "No its, why does this place have no zoms?". "It's because... I really don't know". "Now I have a question"Nixon starts but I stop "Is it why are you so beautiful, yet I can't have you? It's because I'm not interested in you and I have my eyes set on another". "Who the o-" " Where are you going?" tessa interrupts."We're heading to Auckland". "Why?" "I believe it's my turn. Nixon what did you mean by 'we should make a habit of this'? Because if it's what I think it is then I disagree whole heartedly" "It just means Me throwing you into walls of course what else would I be talking about".

"Then maybe we could" After I say that I just walk away.

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