5 - Dead Ends

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Hey everyone!! Sorry for the wait! The holidays were super busy for me, but I wrote a pretty long one to try to make up for it. It's kind of a filler because I wasn't ready for the plot to really continue yet, but I hope you enjoy the fluff <3 Next one WON'T take as long as this one did.

Merry belated Christmas for everyone that celebrates it! I hope a lot of people got Watch Dogs 2 for Christmas so they can love it (and Wrench) as much as us! Sorry if there's grammar mistakes. It's 6am. I'll be going over it again tomorrow, but I just wanted this out so I didn't have you guys waiting much longer :)

ALSO thank you SO much to everyone that voted/commented so far! They really boost my motivation and I love hearing what you guys like about the story ^_^ Hope you enjoy this chapter!



When Marcus, Wrench, and Ray entered a warehouse, they were not surprised to find absolutely nothing. There were desks around, but everything was covered with dust. It's clear that no one has been around in weeks. This was the fourth warehouse they were led to by Owen's pictures, and the fourth dead end.

"I don't get it," Marcus said, verbally expressing what everyone was thinking.

Ray seemed more agitated than usual. The constant dead ends were not helping. He really wanted to trust Emma, but there were so many red flags for him. He didn't think Owen was that good of a manipulator, for one. Ray was able to see right through his lies. Unless Emma was really that dense. She could be letting them hit these dead ends and they wouldn't even know it. Ray glanced over at Wrench whose arms were crossed. Wrench hasn't said a single word since they entered the warehouse, and very few words on the way.

"It's like they wanted us to come here... as a distraction," Marcus continued, "Fuck, why aren't we detectives?"

And that was another red flag for Ray. He had a feeling Emma knew about the warehouse. Everyone was just trusting her a little too easily. As if on queue, Wrench sighed and it sparked something in Ray, "I've had enough of your moping, boy," He muttered with annoyance, "Can you stop thinking about your little crush for one second and actually focus on something useful?"

Wrench's head immediately snapped from Ray to Marcus, "I didn't say anything," Marcus defended.

"He didn't have to say anything, it's fuckin' obvious. How SHE hasn't figured it out yet is beyond me," Ray said rolling his eyes. Maybe she really was that dense, he thought.

"Just drop it," Wrench threatened. He was annoyed he couldn't help Emma already. He didn't want to get into another argument with Ray regarding her loyalty to Dedsec.

"You're not going to be of any use here if your head is somewhere else. So let us do all the work, and you two can -" Ray started.

"I said drop it!" Wrench snapped.

"Let's just call Josh and see if he found anything, sound good?" Marcus asked, pulling out his phone.

"I have a better idea," Ray started, holding up a hand to stop Marcus, "Wrench and I will go check with Josh and Sitara. You go update Emma and see what's she's been up to," Ray told him.

Marcus' head was still focused on Ray, but his eyes darted over to Wrench, who wasn't even look at them, "Uhhh.... Sounds good, but maybe Wrench could go -"

Ray shut down Marcus' attempt to help Wrench, "You actually expect him to relay proper information and not just flirt with her?" He asked in a hushed tone.

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