6 - Dollface

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Hello and happy new year!! Hope everyone had a great celebration.  Thanks everyone for the love and support! I love hearing your guys' words and what you have to say about it.  Questions/concerns are always welcome.

Here's something that I wrote in response to a review on Fanfiction.net that I felt I wanted to share here too real quick: I love writing Emma, but I have to make her shitty sometimes so she seems a little bit real. I hate the airhead MarySue characters. But I do love me some drama/conflict ;D. Makes it more fun for me. Especially with Wrench's internal dilemma with his mask. There's an audio log in the game where the FBI made up their own psychological profile hinting that he wears the mask due to a troubled childhood which is why he's socially awkward and has trouble conveying his emotions. So it's to help him/hide him from his past, I think. Poor Wrench ;_;

But anyway, I hope you enjoy! Sorry about the typos, it's almost 6am again and I was just too eager to post it <3


~~~Emma's Lab~~~

Emma and Sitara stood around her lab tables. Emma leaned her back against one, with Sitara leaning half her body on one, "Shouldn't he be here by now?" Sitara asked.

Emma looked down at her phone reading Sam's past text telling her that he'd be around at 11am. The clock was now almost 11:30, "Not sure... He's never been late. You think something happened to him?" Emma asked.

"Don't jump to conclusions. He's testing your sympathy," Sitara said rolling her eyes.

Emma thought it was cold, but didn't say anything. She agreed it was too soon to assume he was harmed, but she couldn't help but feel concerned, "What do you have planned later anyway?" She asked.

"Not sure. Got a few people from the IRC that I'm meeting up with. Doesn't concern you, so you don't have to worry about forcing your way into my plans," Sitara joked.

Emma rolled her eyes, but smiled, "Ha. Ha," She laughed sarcastically, "I saved your guys' ass last time," Emma said confidently.

"Don't push it. We had guns, too," Sitara said.

"AND who knows if Owen would have even showed his face if I weren't with you. So that's better than a dead end!" Emma pressed on.

"You realize you called yourself bait, right?" Sitara asked.

"I'll call myself whatever I have to for you to say that I'm right!" Emma said.

Sitara peered over at Emma, squinting her eyes at Emma's enthusiasm, "Well, you're not wrong."

Emma threw her hands up, "God dammit Sitara, what is it going to take!?"

"Letting US to our job, and you doing yours," Sitara smiled, straightening herself up.

Emma groaned and threw her head back, "I'll never-" She began but was interrupted by her phone sounding a notification. She looked down to see Sam's text alerting that he's arrived, "He's here!" Emma whispered. Sitara walked to the backroom, hiding around the corner. Emma opened the door to allow Sam to walk in.

He stormed in as soon as the door opened, not giving Emma a chance to greet him, and starting speaking very quickly, not making eye contact with her at all, "Emma I'm so sorry about yesterday. I'm not sure what came over me I just...I thought Wrench was trying to threaten me and scare me off, but I know it's not my place to tell you what to do. I was just worried about you with his behavior, but maybe you like him, so I guess I should just back off. But I know about what you went through with Owen, so I was just looking out for you," He finished finally looking at her.

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