8 - Rumors

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Sorry for the wait!! Next one should be out by the end of the weekend :D I have lots in store for the next few chapters~


~~~Emma's Lab~~~

Today was the day Emma was going to present her finished products to Dedsec. She was nervous. Not in her own ability, she knew everything was exactly how she wanted it. She was nervous that they wouldn't need or use it. It was all a learning experience, anyway. The more she experimented with solutions and formulas, the better off she would be in the long run... at least that's what she said in case they didn't like what she had to offer.

Her thoughts were interrupted at the sound of the door opening. She felt even more nervous than she thought, but turned to see Wrench walk in. She relaxed and exhaled, "Oh, it's only you," She said.

Wench feigned offense, "Sorry to disappoint," He said pretending to leave.

Emma chuckled, "No, please stay!" She rushed, "I'm just really nervous."

He knew she would be, which is why he showed up earlier. To hopefully ease the pressure, "You're just being paranoid. You know they'll love it all!"

"You don't even know what all I've made!" She argued.

"What, do you want me to not be supportive?" Wrench asked sarcastically.

"N-no... I'm sorry, I'm being difficult again," Emma groaned.

Wrench tapped the bottom of Emma's chin to make her look back up, but she was slightly pouting. Wrench smirked, even though she couldn't see it, "How about after you deal with this, we just hang out and watch movies? Sitara's, Hackerspace... wherever," He suggested.

Emma stopped pouting, "Do I get to pick the movies?" She asked.

Wrench crossed his arms, and pretended to think about it, "Half, but I control the remote."

"Deal. What about snacks and stuff?" Emma asked.

"That's all you. I'll eat anything," Wrench said. Emma glared, jealous that he could in fact eat anything, "What?"

"How are you not 300 pounds?!" She asked seriously.

"Oh come on, don't act like you are!" Wrench said back.

"Oh no, did we interrupt something?" Marcus asked, out of nowhere. Emma and Wrench both looked over to the doorway to see everyone else standing there - Marcus, Sitara, Ray, and Josh.

Sitara laughed and walked in, "Wrench, did you call Emma fat or something?"

"No!" Wrench said immediately.

Marcus put his arm over Wrench's shoulders, ignoring the spikes, "You know when she asks if she looks fat in that lab coat, you don't even waste a second - You say NO," Marcus lectured.

Wrench displayed two dashes through his mask as he listened, and pushed Marcus' arm off of him, "Emma, don't you got some bombs to show off or something?" Wrench asked, crossing his arms and leaned against a desk. He didn't want the attention on him all of a sudden.

"You know, Josh wouldn't have called her fat," Ray chuckled, looking over at Wrench.

"Because she isn't," Josh said casually, proving Ray's point.

Emma laughed, "Guys, I started it, leave poor Wrench alone," She said playfully. Wrench extended his hand out toward her, thanking her for the back-up.

"Emma, you don't have to defend him," Sitara joked.

"No, really!" Emma said starting to get serious. She didn't want Wrench feeling uncomfortable or angry at something she started, "It's not what it sounded like."

Chemically Insane - Wrench/OC (Watch Dogs 2)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum