9 - Decoy

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MY LOVES <3.  I want to say thanks for the continued support and encouragement to keep going.  I WANTED this to be out. I really did.  I'll be honest why I haven't updated in a few months.   I know what I wanted to happen 1-2 chapters ahead, but I was having trouble figuring out what to do for a filler. I kept thinking of things and when I started to type it all out, I either didn't like the way it was flowing, or the characters didn't seem right. So I had to step back and get at it from a different approach.  However, life responsibilities got in the way and I had to focus more on those over doing something like this.  Even with my limited time off, I couldn't bring myself to use that time to type away something I was unsure of. I want you guys to be happy and satisfied with the story. I don't want to type some random jargon just because.  But the new chapter is out, and although I'm not 100% happy with it, it serves it's purpose and it's A LOT better than how it was a few weeks/months ago.  I was able to add story to it, too, not just a filler.  It'll make more of an impact in later chapters, too.  I really hope you understand, and I promise it won't be as long for the next part ;) It's all in my head, just have to type the words out.  

By the way the last two DLCs had some super awesome Wrench moments.  I hope it's not the end.  Watch Dogs 3 needs to have the WD2 gang back! They're too good, and I have so much fun trying to write them.  Long live Wrench.  Enjoy!  (Again, sorry for typos, I just wanted this out!)


When Wrench left Sitara and Emma's apartment, he wished he could go right back in. Who knows what they could be talking about. They could be talking about him. Girls gossiped, even if they weren't the gossiping type. He dreaded even seeing Sitara the next day. And then Sitara would message Marcus about it, probably. Wrench pulled his phone out to text Marcus

-My garage first thing tomorrow- He sent.

Wrench put his phone back into his pocket and walked the remaining way home, deciding that home was going to be his garage. He was trying to focus on what happened, rather than worrying about tomorrow. He finally kissed Emma! Did he? Maybe he was remembering it wrong. No, he did. He was sure. He could still feel her body against his. It actually happened. However, he still didn't think it was the right time. He still wanted to wait until after Owen was dealt with, first. He had his own issues, but Emma didn't seem to mind it. She liked him, too! According to Sitara, but maybe there were other signs too. Getting jealous over her friends talking to him should have been a big one. His mind suddenly went to Scarlett and worried that she would try to meddle. She's certainly evil enough, he thought.

He unlocked the door to his garage and laid down on the nearby futon. He brought out his phone one last time to see two text messages. He assumed they were both from Marcus, but his heart fluttered when he saw one of the messages came from Emma. He opened that one first.

-Hope you got home okay!-

She was so sweet! He gushed and mentally slapped himself
-Garage is home tonight, but I did make it! See you tomorrow?- He asked. He wanted to keep it short, but he couldn't help but want to keep the conversation going.

-Yeah, I'll be around. Good night!- She texted back.

-Goodnight, Emma- He sent before falling asleep.

~~~The Next Morning~~~

"Wake up!"

Wrench heard a voice. It took a few extra moments to register that the voice belonged to Marcus. Why was he there? Oh yeah, Wrench remembered. He asked him to come by. Wrench groaned and began sitting up, "It's morning already?" He said, his voice raspy from sleeping.

Chemically Insane - Wrench/OC (Watch Dogs 2)Where stories live. Discover now