| Chapter Fifteen |

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Arthur pulled out his watch, glancing at the time before sighing and sliding it back into his pocket. He paced in his room, shaking his head, and mumbling worries under his breath. Arthur was in the groom's room, his groomsmen being friend's he had from his hometown. His best man, his oldest brother, Allistor, had yet to show up - as did the rest of his brothers.

Arthur mumbled more worries, until he heard a knock on his door. He rushed over, relief flooding his veins. He threw open the door, and felt his heart leap.

"Allistor! You came!"

The red-headed man grunted, as he pushed his way into the room, "Aye, I did."

Arthur turned, a wide smile on his face, "I really didn't think you were going to come."

Allistor settled down in the vanity chair, glancing at himself as he pressed a cigarette between his lips. He rubbed a match against the mahogany, taking a long drag as he lit the addictive habit, "How did ye do it?"

Arthur cocked an eyebrow, frowning as he looked at his eldest brother, "What are you taking about, Allistor?"

Allistor rolled his eyes, flicking some of the ashes on the ground. Arthur watched as the ashes fell onto the expensive carpet. Arthur took note to tell someone to clean that up later.

"How did ye get the bloody King, to fall in love with someone like ye? What type of magic did ye use?," Allistor asked, taking another drag on his cigarette.

Arthur gasped, offense written all over his face, "A-Allistor," Arthur whimpered slightly, "I didn't use any of my magical abilities...The King fell in love with me on his own accord."

Allistor's eyes twitched, "And I assume...that ye love him?"

Arthur was silent a moment, before nodding his head, and saying, "Yes, I love him."

Allistor dropped his cigarette onto the floor, rubbing it under his boot with a hiss, "So all along - ye wanted to marry a man?"

Arthur's heart rate picked up as Allistor stood, making his way over to him. He backed Arthur against the wall, leaning low so Arthur could smell the smoke on his breath.

"What do ye think Mother would say?"

Arthur's face turned white, "I-I...," Arthur pushed Allistor away, "I don't care! Mother isn't here anymore!"

Allistor let out a chuckle, a smirk on his face. He backed away from Arthur, heading towards the door, "I don't know what our brothers will say about this...," Allistor opened the door turning towards Arthur, "But I know what Mother would say."

Arthur looked down at the floor, guilty-like, "She would hate it...hate me."

Allistor shook his head, "She wouldn't hate ye...well, maybe not as much as she hates all of us."

Arthur could stop the small giggle that escaped his lips.

Allistor's smile fell slightly, "I can't promise that we'll come...but if ye wait long enough - we might surprise ye."

With a wink, Allistor closed the door behind him, leaving Arthur alone in the room with a mixture of emotions.


Let Me Love You (A Cardverse!AU: USUK - Hetalia FanFiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora