Clear and Coherent

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Message recorded on her phone. Received 23 minutes after original call. She had been pulling ramen out of  the microwave in the kitchen upstairs at the time and gotten absorbed into a conversation with Mrs. Ankleman, her biology professor.
"Yo! Nervous laughter then he clears his throat. Uh, sorry. I. Caller leans away from phone and shouts KURT! NO. IT'S NEXT TO THE CHEESE IN THE FOIL! Comes back to phone. Hah. Just waiting for Kurt to leave the room. A pause. So. You touched my hand today in the hallway and, Allah, I sound like a filthy high schooler. You know what? Alicia? Meet me for soccer Wednesday. mutters into phone of course you'll be there. Bye. A crash is heard in the background. Shit.

End of message.

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