This Is Where It Begins

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At the weekly soccer meet up Alicia and Bajih sit in the shade of a tree, Alicia waiting for her turn to be goalie. Often turning to watch the game and losing the thread of their conversation. Hammer, Kurt, and Carmen are on the field. 3:2, the game ends at 12 points.

Hammer: that's baseball lame ass!
As she speaks she checks the match every few seconds. Alicia: -You know how he's always coming on to me? Like, "Gosh, I didn't know females could open doors" so I-
Bajih: Alicia, I'm over here.
Alicia: sorry, got caught in the game. Did you see Carmen score! Laughing, look at his victory dance! Shouts to Carmen, Wiggle that booty Carmen! Is that what got you all the ladies at the rose bowl?
Carmen: you bet'chya!
Kurt: get over here. You didn't win the game, it's only 4:3!
Alicia laughs and turns back to Bajih. Alicia: what was I saying? Oh-
Bajih: no, no, no, no. Paws at the grass, Alla-
Alicia: GOD!
Bajih: 'Lic, I'm trying to be serious!
Alicia: op. Sorry B. Sorry. What's up?
Bajih:.....frowning at the ground
Alicia: is this about that call? You think I like you?
Alicia: if I'm being honest B...
Alicia: Allah, you make this hard. Yeah B. I really like you.
Bajih: shocked into silence
Alicia starts to panic. Alicia: Ohgodohgo-
Bajih: no! No! Alic-
Alicia: isthatnotwhatyoumeant?because-
Bajih: Alic-
Alicia: Icantakeibackandthiswon'truinour-
Bajih: ALIC-
Alicia: Friendshipandthere'snothingiwantlessthan-
Bajih: Alicia.
Bajih: i like you okay?
Alicia:... That's. That's fine.
Bajih: so how are we going to do this?
Alicia: I don't know. I kind of want to sit on your lap- Don't look at me like that!
Bajih: okay.
Alicia moves to sit in his lap and they face the ongoing soccer game. 8:3.
Alicia: this is really awkward isn't it.
Laughs Bajih: very.
Alicia: perfect.
Bajih: love you 'Lic...too early?
Alicia: yeah. But that's fine. Love you too B.
Kurt: Alicia! You up for goalie?
Carmen: dude! She's busy.
Hammer: I'll be goalie.
Kurt: you suck!
Carmen: Go home Kurt!
Good natured laughter
Alicia: Bajih, I really do like you.
Bajih: I'm smiling if you couldn't tell.
Alicia: you're always smiling, you old coot! Turns and kisses him on the nose, they laugh and watch their friends play.
Alicia: you know... The game would be much more efficient if there were more than 3 players....
Bajih: you really want to be goalie don't you.
Alicia.... She smiles
He amoves Alicia off of him and starts toward the field. Alicia races ahead. Bajih: Hey Hammer! Put all your office supplies in your little cardboard box! Alicia's goalie!
Whooping Hammer: Damn, and my grandfather worked on Wall Street too!
Bajih pats him on the back and everybody finds a position to play.
Kurt: Fuck Wall Street!
Carmen: Yeah! Fuck Wall Street! Actually, fuck you Kurt!
Laughing his ass off, Kurt starts the game Kurt: Jesus! Fuck off.
Hammer: Get a room you fuckfaces!
Kurt: Fuck you! I can't stop smiling now.
Alicia: Come on, love something for once you gay hippies!
Hammer: Gayboys!
Carmen: low.
Missing the ball when Kurt steps in and swipes it away, Bajih: How can they even take offense to that? It's true.
Kurt: 100% not gay!
Alicia: you eat pussy Kurt?
Carmen: Damn right he does! My pussy!
They all erupt into laughter. Kurt, Alicia, and Hammer win the game. 2 on 3 Carmen says that was so definitely an unfair game, right Bajih? Bajih smiles and catches up with Alicia. Carmen rolls his eyes.

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