2 For 1 Part 1

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Carmen and Alicia sit on a couch in the apartment that Hammer, Bajih, and now Carmen share. Alicia is holding her phone and Carmen inspects her work.

Takeout? -a
Yea, yea. Will you look at that problem on page 5, I'm pretty sure that it's asking you to show how the affect is described. You've written it so it's an argumentative paper. Not a research.-c
Mhm. Give me a moment. Hello? I'd like to order 1 large pizza with my friend's a badass and my boyfriend ditched me. She guffaws at Carmen's face. Oh. Sorry, I meant pineapple and olives. Carmen hisses. Extra olives please.
I just ordered you take out from Whirled Pies and I'm paying for it. Thank me.-a
Thanks me-c
Shut up Ickle....sorry. That was--a
Don't. I asked you specifically--c
I know. I know, I'm sorry. She hugs him. At least we're in the same boat.-a
Huh? Please. Bajih only had to pick Hammer up from work. I just broke up with my 3 year boyfriend and moved into a new apartment when he threw out all my stuff.-c
Fine. Yes. That was vile and fuck Kurt and all but really. B. Chose giving Hammer a ride to making out with me.-a
Don't remind me of kissing.-c
Excuse you, I am practically a kissing virgin. Let me have this.-a
Carmen laughs then waves Alicia's unfinished paperwork in front of her face. Going to finish this?-c
Alright Mr. I broke up with my boyfriend and I'll eat all your ice cream. Give me a second!
Ouch, that one hurt.-c
Carmen, you're eating me out of house and home.-a
This isn't your home. And if you have pistachio ice cream, fair warning.-c
Pshaw- phone rings- it's B. Let me get this. Hey B. B. No. I definitely said B. Twice. Not baby. Fine she grins what's up? A long pause- oh. A shorter pause OH! Um, alright. We'll be right over! Carmen looks up at her, confusion written over his features. Come on Used To Be Loverboy. Hammer needs us. -a
No Whirled Pies?-c
Sorry man, I'll leave a 20 on the front porch but Damian and Alex will probably steal it.-a
I'll tell them to take in our pizza.-c
They're going to eat it all before we get back! And it's our Pity Pizza!!-a
Charity and fucking good will Alicia, pull it together.-c
Carmen takes her 20 which she hands off reluctantly and goes down the hall to Damian's and Alex's place. Alicia heads down the 3 flights to her car and starts the engine. Delivery finished, Carmen meets her and they drive off to Addictive Behaviors. The shop Hammer works.

Lying Through My Teethحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن