Ickleme, Tickleme, Pickleme too.

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Alicia and Carmen in study hall. Sitting next to each other, Alicia watches him work. Her paper is blank.

"Dude, Ickle, hook me up."
"Just a second 'Lic. I'm not even done with this problem."
"That's fine I-"
"If Mr. Harrison walks by right at this moment it's going to sound like you're cheating."
"But I'm not! I copy now, you explain later, and then I redo it. Perfect plan. A+"
"Still. Alicia, this once lets do it at dinner alright?"
"Can't. I've got a date with B."
"Then I'll meet you at our apartment building yea?"
"that's fine. Should I wait until you're done with the sheet than?"
"umm, what time is it?"
"Nah, you can leave. Get out my phone and text Kurt for me will you?"
"Why can't you?"
"Pff. Fine. Front pocket?"
"No, the one near the water bottle."
"Got it?"
"No. Wait."
"Mr. Harrison is looking at you. Probably thinks you're stealing my stuff."
"Like I'd want to take any of your crap. Nah Mr. Harrison. I'm going to college to be a burglar. That's definitely it."
"I don't know Alicia, banking is pretty similar."
"Excuse you. I changed my major a year ago. Shut up. Okay, got your phone."
"He'll be under-"
"Pickle, I know. Why do you guys even have nicknames after a Shel
Silverstein poem?"
"Kurt's idea."
"Let's see here....m. Okay. What do you want homie."
"Kurt. I need to talk to you. I'll be at tacovore in 30."
"At least you're not breaking up with him over text. Respect."
"I'm not- I didn't say-"
"Carmen. I know. It's not like I don't notice how you're feeling."
".......I need to finish this worksheet."
"Call me okay? I'll keep my phone on ringer. I'm available any time."
"Bye Carmen"
"Bye Alicia"
"Thank you"

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