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can 2016 end already

Michael's POV

I sat on the couch playing GTA with the boys, Calum got mad and quit ages ago while Ashton, Luke, and I were still going at it. "It's the first time we've gotten Mikey alone since Jaz stole him from us" Ashton giggled, bringing up my wonderful girlfriend. To be honest, I didn't mind talking about her.

"She's so great, honestly. She's such a sweet girl, so like loving, and like fuck. Also have you seen that ass?"

Luke rolled his eyes which used to make me angry but now I've just learned to glare at him and move on.

"Which is why I met a girl." Ashton announced proudly.

"How does this have anything to do with Jasmine?" I asked, taking a sip from my red bull. "Nothing really. I met her at Starbucks, she's tall, kinda thick, curly hair. Has a pretty voice, caught her singing Arctic Monkeys. Oh she's black and asia-"

"Why are all of you into niggers now?" Luke spat, catching calums attention faster than anything.


"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I spat.

"Yo, relax" he chuckled, "it was joke"

"Do you see us laughing?" Calum yelled, joining into the fight.

"Do you have any idea how disrespectful that is? Of course you don't, cause all you do is sit there on your white privilege ass, rolling your eyes thinking your better than everyone when in reality you ain't shit!"

"If I said that two years ago you wouldn't care!" Luke fought back, "maybe because I was fourteen and I've grown the fuck up! Unlike you!" I screamed back at him. "So what you gonna do? Hm? I can't stand to watch you sit there and bitch for this lying.. gorilla! She's hella broke, her mom was a hooker and got killed on the job, now the police is hunting down "daddy" for his pot business!  He's hiding in the hood and that house is her aunts! She's the only reason Jasmine's in that damn school in the first place! Y'all don't know these girls and think of them as motherfucking trophies when they ain't worth shit! You just can't get bitches who can read."

My face became tomato red, and I balled up my fists. Standing from the couch, He did the same and I swung -- knocking Lucas square in the face. He just chuckled and returned one to my eye, throwing me straight onto my back. I groaned in pain.

Calum ran up and grabbed Luke's jacket, throwing it outside. "Go fetch bitch,"

"Aren't you late to your date with jasmine?"

"Luke-" Ashton started, "No, it's okay." Luke laughed. "Michael, you don't know do you?" He cocked his head to the side.

"Know what?" I spat at him, now risen to my feet.

"That your best mate," Luke placed a heavy hand on Calum's shoulder which he quickly jerked off, "has been hooking up with your oh-so-beloved girlfriend behind your back, for weeks now." Luke raised his eyebrows, smirking, before turning on his heel. "Im done with this stupid band," he mumbled, or what atleast sounded like a mumble because I couldn't hear anything. Everything went dead silent, Calum stood speechless, his eyes wide and jaw hung. I just stared at the floor, but what hurt worse is looking up only to see Luke jerk open the door to reveal Jasmine standing in the doorway.

Her hair was now short with looser curls, wearing a 5sos t-shirt that Mali made pared with the leather skirt that I loved and timberlands. Her eyes were glossy, and her plump lips parted.. almost as heartbroken as me.

Luke just pushed past her, making her stumble which made my heart jump, because I didn't want anyone to hurt my baby. But my baby, didn't seem to want to be, mine.

Jasmine's POV

My heart cracked a little bit when Michael stormed down the hall, I groaned throwing my head back, which made me a bit nauseous and the incoming texts on my phone only made me feel worse.

From: Xavier
im at a party and im kinda missin you jazzy

From: Xavier
you should come thru

I threw my phone onto the couch and followed the footsteps into the.. laundry room?

"Michael?" I called, when he got out of sight, only to find him sitting on a dryer with a bottle of beer between his thighs.

I followed him in, and locked the door behind myself. I found myself at a loss of words - do I start apologizing? I mean, I was only standing out there for a couple minutes I didn't know what caused the fight or how much was revealed? How do I--



"Why did you cheat on me? How could you cheat on me? Jasmine, I've been so good to you, I've given you my entire world and you" He said coldly, taking a long sip from the brown bottle.

"Baby, I.. We were drunk, and I was missing you and it just.. happened. I don't remember anything, and it's because it didn't mean anything, because all I care about is you. I can look you in the eye, and honestly say, I don't have any feelings for that boy because all my feelings are with you." I preached, slowly walking towards Michael.

"How long has this been going on?" He asked as I pulled myself up on the washer next to him. He didn't flinch. "He kissed me, I think in September but I pulled away as fast as I could. Then he tried it again but I dodged," Michael scoffed, "then we hooked up at the party.. and he picked me up from volleyball and kissed me in his truck, but I slapped him. I have absolutely no feelings for him, the guy throws himself all over-"

"Then why did you tell him.." Michael croaked, his voice so much deeper than usual, cracking every couple of seconds and shakey. "Tell him what, baby?-"

"That you aren't rich!" He snapped finally. "That you aren't dripping with money! And your parents are broke! And you live with your aunt! And your mother died! And why Nurse Richard quit!-"

"Because I was embarrassed! I didn't want you to think of me as a hood rat! I didn't want to scare you away!" I screamed back at him, which didn't do anything but pour gasoline on the blaze.

"Because you didn't trust me.. but you trusted Calum.. you-"

"Calum doesn't mean anything to me!-"

"-Well he obviously does if-"

"-I'm sorry, I realize it was a mistake, and I should've told you when you came over, but I.. I couldn't. I didn't want you to leave."


"I love you, Michael!"

That shut him up for sure. He took in a deep breath and blinked down at the porcelain floor.

"I'm not sure I can say the same."

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