One Call Away

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One Call Away, I thought. Well he sure wasn't when we were together. He never showed up to my door when I told him I needed help or was depressed.

 I would like to believe that I don't love Charlie anymore but I can't. Everyday I wake up to the feeling of pain when I realize he isn't here to comfort me, even if it wasn't often.

Today that was the first thing I thought about. Charlie. My Charlie. At least he used to be mine. It was for the best. He didn't pay attention to me that much and he was going on tour soon, so he could have found someone already. But God I love him. With all my heart.....

I was soon out of my daydream type thing when I heard someone knocking on the door. I quickly went downstairs to see who it was. 

There he was.

Charlie..... I was shocked. 

No Anna, I told myself, Don't open the door. He will only convince you to be with him again. Don't do it.

As stubborn as I am, I did it, I opened the door.

Charlie, starring at me while holding a pizza box, asked me if he could come in.

"Hey, Anna, could we talk. Here, I brought you pizza." He said as he placed the pizza box in my hands.


"Please, I need to fix the mess I made."

"Okay, but be quick Charlie, I'm going out soon." I lied.

"Can I ask with who?" He said once he got inside.

"That's none of your business, Charlie." I stated as bitterly as I could.

"Oh..." His smile soon turned into a frown.

I felt bad for him but I couldn't do this to myself, not again.

We talked for a while and he asked for a second chance but I denied. Once this happened, he realized that I was not going to chance my point of view in this situation. 

He left a while later with the pizza, now cold, in his hands.

Wow I love that guy.

But I can't do this to myself, not twice, not ever again.

Charlie Puth One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now