Charlie the Barista

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Ughhhh. I said when I woke up. I have never been a morning person and I'm not sure that I'll ever be one.
I went to take a nice, cold shower to wake up completely. Then, I proceeded to putting on a casual flannel, some ripped jeans, and a pair of white converse.
This was one of my "Do whatever is on your mind" day. I do these once in a while to clear my head of certain things that bother me and such. I do these alone and I find them very helpful.
I just brushed my hair, since it already is straight, and put on a little bit if makeup, not too much though, just some lip stick, foundation, blush, and eyeshadow.
I then proceeded to take a walk and see what I find.
Time had passed and it was around breakfast time, so I decided to enter a Starbucks and get some coffee.  I always knew what to order.  I've never been much of an extravagant person I usually just order an iced coffee.  I walked into the Starbucks and looked at the menu because I already know what to order but I didn't have anything else to do while I was standing in the long line.
I confidently approached the front of the line once it was my turn try to order my drink but then I noticed the barista who was taking my order.
Hi, can I take your order?
I suddenly find myself stuttering and had a loss of words I feel like an idiot just standing there causing that line.
He was just so cute I couldn't help it.
Ummmm, I would like a-a-a an Iced Coffee please.....
Ok, is that all for you today?
Yeah- no.... is it? Yes.
Okay. Name?
Alright please stand by while we make your order.
Shit. I blew it. He was just so handsome and looked like a good person. For some reason I found myself starring at his eyebrow. I've never seen an eyebrow that looks like that before. I lost my chance he was just so perfect I feel like a complete dork in front of him I'm embarrassed to even be at this place right now.
A while later I noticed that they were preparing my drink. What I didn't notice at the time was that the barista was looking at me when I was on my phone.
After all the orders were taken there was no line and I was still waiting here for my drink.  later on he called my name, telling me that my drink is ready.
I went to the front again and picked up my drink. I got a straw while he passed me the drink.
Here's your drink. Have a nice day. My name is Charlie by the way.
I nodded, and with this I left the place.
What I didn't notice until I got home was that the barista wrote his number on my napkin.....

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