Piano-Pella with Charlie

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"Jade!" my mom called out.

"I'm coming!" I fell out of my bed.

Thud. Shit. Why God why, I thought. 

"What happened?" my mom says running up the stairs.

"Oh nothing."I said. Nothing is gonna bring my mood down today. I was going to see Charlie Puth.


Before I knew it, I was at the concert. Charlie's concert.

"This song is for all of you Puthinators out there." he said.

I melted inside. He started singing "Then there's you." He looked at my for .02 seconds but for me felt like an eternity. I repeatedly blushed. So embarrasing, I thought.

After the song was over, he started saying something, but I wasn't paying attention, I kept looking at his eyes. Darn, he is so hot.

Out of no where I snap back from my dream land and noticed Charlie in front of me, asking me if I wanted to sing with him.

Shit. I thought. He saw me looking at him like a creep. I'm so embarrassed. *SCREAMS INTERNALLY*

I went on the stage my palms sweaty, and my mouth was dry. I gained courage out of nowhere  Luckily, I thought to myself, I sing okay. At least I think so.

We were singing together the song "one call away" while he played the piano.
He is so cute. And he knows how to play the piano with such simplicity even if it might be complex. I was falling more in love with him. He was cuter in person, I noticed.
  Once the song was over I  proceded to going back to my normal seat in the crowd.

I was so fucking red. Every now and then Charlie looked over and stared at me for a few seconds. I blushed madly and played with my hair.

He must think I'm a fool. God. My life is now ruined, I thought.

After the show, I went backstage, since I got the vip ticket. Charlie left the stage. I was so nervous, what should I do? Ask for an autograph, smile, ask him something? I don't know. Ugggghhh.

Just then, Charlie spoke behind me. "Hey. You sang really good today." I inner fangirled so hard.
"What's your name?" He asked me while fixing his hair with his hands.

Inner squeal. "Jade" I replied while fixing my necklace.

We talked for what seemed hours until the rest of the fans came over asking for autographs.

"Well I'm busy right now. Do you think we could, you know, talk later?" he asked. He looked nervous as he scratched his neck.

"Sure" I replied. Oh my god. He wants to keep talking to me. Victory dance!

"Cool." he said while taking out a piece of paper. He gave me his autograph along with his number on the bottom. 

He then passed me his phone and I typed in my number along with my name.

"Talk to you later then" he said and smirked. He was clearly beaming.
He then got back to signing autographs.
As I was heading out, I noticed he took out his phone and put a 💚 emoji next to my name.

I felt like couldn't move.  I'm dreaming aren't I? I went home and flopped on the bed. Charlie liked me.

Charlie Puth One ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant