Chapter 6: Changes

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After School...

Amara's POV

As I walked into the house I was becoming accustomed to, I was greeted by one of six of my little cousins. Manny was the youngest, most spoiled, and ultimately the baddest. He was such a cutie pie though; you couldn't help but love him.

"Hey lil man." I greeted with a smile.

"Mara!" His two year old arms wrapped around my leg. It seemed as if the floodgates had opened because soon everyone else came running out. Jackie, Elsie, Kaylen Kyle and Raymond; all two years apart were a mess! They all started to play fight; pulling hair, calling names, the whole nine.

"Get off me!"

"You're a wimp!"

"Yo mama!

"We got the same mama dummy!"

I chuckled at them and headed to the basement me and Amani shared. Knowing him, he was probably at the basketball court. We have gone through a lot of changes in the past few months. The deaths of our parents really put a dent in our lives and our relationship. Everything was different. For one, we were parentless, living in a home full of unruly kids, and away from the place we grew up in. I missed my home, my city, and most of all my parents. They were my everything. And now they were gone in an instant we lost our stability, our core. It affected Amani the most. He's been more distant and full of rage.

I need my brother back. He's all I have left. I thought.

Closing my history textbook I got up and began dancing. I danced my heart out before collapsing on the hard futon. I really needed that. Dancing was my safe haven, my stress reliever. It was the only upside to this situation. At this new school I could use dance to let my troubles go...

"Manny get your little ass down!" The sound of my aunt's screaming voice brought me back from the trip down memory lane.

It was true, changes could be for better or worse. I was trying my hardest trying to figure out what this was.

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