Chapter 14: Making it Official

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"Oh my gosh thank you so much Jay. You're so awesome!" I looked at the T-shirt in awe. Amani was going to love it when I revealed it to him at our New Years/ Birthday get together tomorrow night. (It was a surprise to him of course.) The shirt looked stunning with all the pictures I'd found in the attic joining together in a huge collage forming Amani's face. I had to say, Jay was a freaking beast at his craft. He went to my school and majored in visual art. He was the best!

"No problem honey. Anything for a fellow fashionista. I'm glad you like it darling. Let me be on my way though the mall is calling!"

"Thanks again Jay. Bye." I called after him.

"Honey byes are for bitches. It's see ya lata sistah!" He paused at the door with a neatly manicured hand on his hip.

"See ya Jay. Stay badbad."

"And you know this." He kissed my cheeks and headed out the front door.

I was thoroughly pleased with the first part of my gift. I'd already gotten our closest family involved in the celebration. My friends RSVPed along with Essence's friend Trey and a few from school. That was the extent of our get together. We didn't want any repeats of October.

Picking up my phone I dialed Essence's number. "Yaloh?"

"The hell is a 'yaloh'?" I asked.

"I'm from Canada." Essence replied.

"Girl go to sleep. It's too early to deal with you!" I chuckled at her foolishness.

"OK." She began to snore loudly in my ear.

"I'm done with you Essence Keeton."

"Whatever you know you love me." She giggled.

"Something like that. Anyway, before your strangeness made an appearance I was calling to make sure you'll be at my get together tomorrow."

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for anything."

"I'm sure you wouldn't. Only because my brother will be there." I burst her bubble.

"Um noooo! You and Camille are killing me with that. No sir I will be there for the BOTH of you. Me liking Amani has nothing to do with that."

"Aha! You admit it. You like my brother. Awwwww y'all cute or whatever."

"I said nothing of the sort!"

"Yes you did. Essence and Amani sitting in the tree, F-U-C---"

"Hey! Amara watch your mouth. That is not OK."

"Oh whatever Essence. I know your truth girl. Just make sure you look ravishing tomorrow night; wear something formfitting. My brother is a sucker for big butts." On that note I hung up in her ear. She needed to get the point. And fast.


"Oh no she didn't just hang up on me." I exclaimed staring at the blank screen of my cellular device.

"Who?" Camille asked walking into my room with a bowl of cereal.

"Amara's rude self. She called to make sure we were coming to their party."

"Is Bubba gonna be there because I can't deal with dude." She rolled her eyes flopping into the computer chair.

"I'm sure he will be. He is their cousin." I said giving her the 'duh' look.

"Well tell them I'm sorry I can't come. I have something to do that day."

"They're our friends Cam!"

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