Chapter 21: Category 5

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A/N: Aaaaaaand the drama unfolds. Watch out! This chapter will be hot with craze...

Camille's POV


There was blood everywhere.

So much blood.

On the walls.

On the bed..

On me.

On the knife.. Oh my God the knife!

It was still in my hand. In the hand I used to stab them over and over again. OVER AND OVER AGAIN!

I just wanted it to stop! I wanted to torment to stop.

I stared at the body in awe. They couldn't hurt me anymore.

So. Much. Blood.

I kneeled down and sat in the pool of blood willing it to drown me. Willing it to take me away.

I just wanted to float away.

My cell phone rang startling me out of my thoughts. It was Amara again wanting to know where I was. I was an hour and a half late. I didn't reply.


I woke up in the morning with a bad feeling in my stomach. Something didn't seem right. But then again, what in my life was ever right? I stopped worrying and chalked up the stomach flurries to the baby. I had much more things to worry about like finishing school and living out my dream. Despite the internal objections, I was feeling a little optimistic this morning. The visit to the doctor yesterday was enlightening. I was about three months pregnant. And although I was still hurting and reeling over my situation, that didn't stop me from dreaming. Someday I wanted to be a social worker. One day I wanted to help all the kids who suffered and dealt with the type of stuff I went through. Some day...

In the meantime I had to get ready for school and leave out the house before daddy woke up looking for his morning fix. I'd been avoiding him successfully for a while now and I didn't plan on changing that.


"Good morning Ms. Bradshaw. Glad you decided to finally show up to class." Mrs. Rodriguez my vocal coach said once I walked in the door.

"It sure is a beautiful morning. Sure is Mrs. Rodriguez." I replied sarcastically and smirked. She sure could be a smart ass sometimes. But she was an amazing teacher I had to give her that.

"Ok now that the entire class is here we can begin instruction. Please rise for warm ups." She said signaling everyone to stand.

As soon as I walked in the class, I felt like a mannequin on display. It felt like everyone's eyes were glued to my stomach. Like they could see right through my oversized T-shirt. "Do you need something?" I asked this girl who I caught staring way too hard.

She looked away quickly. She obviously didn't want none of this. "Ms. Bradshaw this is a classroom not a cafeteria. Learn the difference." Mrs. Rodriguez scolded.

"Sorry Ms. R." I apologized glaring at the girl.

For the rest of the hour I kind of sat around as everyone rehearsed music I wasn't there to learn. I realized I had a lot of catching up to do. I was relieved when the bell rang signaling the end of class. Off to my next class.... and the next....

I pretty much got through most of the day unscathed until Trig. with Mr. Moore. The class gave me a headache so I asked to use the bathroom. It wasn't a complete lie I really did have to pee. I just didn't plan on coming back.

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