Epilogue: A Journey Worth Taking

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13 Years Later...


 "Mrs. Reigns you have no idea how much your book has helped me. I used to be strung out on drugs, I lost my children and my husband. But when I picked up this book, my life turned around. You are an inspiration and I really appreciate the work you have done for the community." The older woman said to me as I took her copy of my best selling self help book and signed it.

Testimonies such as hers made my job worth doing. Outcomes like that are all the payment I need to get my job done. My eyes watered up a little as I stood from my chair, leaned over the table that stood between us, and wrapped her up in a hug. "Thank you so much miss. I am so glad my book has touched you the way that it has. You and other people like you in your situation are the reason I do what I do. God blessed me to bless you."

The woman smiled as a lone tear escaped her eye. "Thank you." I signed her book and left a little message inside as she walked away. I continued to sign more books, taking photos and what not until the long line dwindled and it was just me in my book store.

I looked around admiring all that I had accomplished. My book store was my baby. I mean my other baby. I remember when I started it five years ago. I didn't know what the hell I was doing. But my man stuck my side like he has been doing since high school. God how I loved him.

Just the thought of Amani was bittersweet. He'd been out of town with his jazz band for almost a week now. I missed him and all his good lovin'. I sighed. "He'll be home in two days girl calm down." I gave my p*ssy a pep talk. Not only did I miss him, but she did too. I fanned between my legs and stood making my way to my office to straighten up.

Fifteen minutes later, I was out into the warm summer night with my top down singing along to the radio. They were playing some jamz too! You Give Good Love by Whitney Houston, Love by Musiq Soulchild, then Do You by Ne-yo came on back to back. Once I finished crooning horribly to them, a song I hadn't heard since my wedding graced my ears.

If This World Were Mine. What a perfect time to come on when my man isn't home. I began to tear up remembering all the beautiful times we shared to this song. The nostalgia was real.

I pulled up in my driveway and cut the engine not bothering to get out until the song went off. I was in full fledged tears by then. I wiped my face with the back of my hand. "Damn hormones." I cursed preparing to spend the night alone, again.

Turning the doorknob to my place, I kicked the door open revealing a very romantic setting. The lights were off completely. The only thing lighting my way in the house was a trail of small heart shaped candles lining the stairs toward our bedroom.

My heart smiled at the sight as I kicked off my Prada heels and closed the door. I couldn't wait to devour Amani when I got to our bedroom.

I quickly walked up the stairs two by two already feeling his burning kisses on my skin. Even after all these years, he makes my toes curl just thinking about him deep inside me.

He stood in the doorway in nothing but his boxers and a rose in his mouth. I bit my bottom lip feeling the juices flow below my waist. I filled the space between us tonguing him down like I'd never see him again. It had been too long. Way too long. He wrapped his arms around my body lifting my feet off the ground. I squealed in surprise wrapping my legs around his toned waist.

He walked over to the nearest wall placing my back to it and devouring my neck. "Fuck. Baby you got on too many clothes." He whispered in my ear making me even hotter. I was so glad he was home early to put the fire out between my legs.

Journey Toward Me (Not Yet Edited)Where stories live. Discover now