4: The Restaurant

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"Hello? Anyone home?" I ask, knocking on the locked door of Villapiano's Restaurant.
I soon see Mr. Clearwater rush from what I can only guess is the kitchen to unlock the door.
  "So sorry." He says, opening the door to let me in.
  "It's no problem." I smile. "Where do I set up?"
  "There's a small stage over there," He points to a small platform with a microphone already set up. There are speakers sitting around the stage and a wooden stool sitting behind the microphone.
  I trot over to the platform and set my guitar case down at the edge of the stage. Lifting out my guitar to rest it against the stool, I then take a small note from my pocket that I had written earlier and place it in the empty case. It reads "Tips are appreciated! Thanks!".
  "Will this work?" Mr. Clearwater asks after a while. I nod vigorously.
  "This is perfect. Thank you." I smile.
  "Don't thank me. Thank Adam." He grins.
  As I finish the song, the entire restaurant bursts into applause. I smile brightly from the stage, looking into the crowd.
  "This next song is one that is really close to my heart. I wrote it when I was in a very bad relationship and had to deal with a lot of grief from the other person." I say into the mic.
  I close my eyes and begin to play, running my fingers across the strings. I then start to sing, and I notice the entire restaurant fall silent, listening to me.
  "You were incredible!" Mr. Clearwater exclaims at the end of the performance, after he restaurant is closed. "Those people are gonna tell their friends about you and come back with an even bigger crowd tomorrow! We're gonna be the most popular restaurant in the city!"
  I smile, beaming at his compliments. "Thank you, sir!"
  "Here, your payment." He says, handing me a stack of money. "With a little extra, to entice you to stay."
  "Of course, thank you." I nod in gratitude, taking the money and folding it before putting it in my back pocket.
  "Have a nice night, Iva. You are certainly going to go far." Mr. Clearwater says, putting on his coat and stepping out the door.
  I walk over to my guitar case, gathering up my tips and then putting my guitar back inside.
  Picking up the case, I look through my tips, and my eye catches something yellow.
  Anther sticky note! I quickly open it and read over it.
  Hey, kid. You were great. I knew you could do it.
  That man! He was here! He was at the restaurant, he saw me perform!
  I shake my head, stuffing the note and my tips into my other pocket, picking my case back up, and walking out of the restaurant, making sure to lock up behind myself.

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