7: You?

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  "Thank you, goodnight!" I say to the audience of eating costumers after finishing my third night of performances.
  The crowd bursts with applause. I walk off he stage and over to Adam, who is sitting at a table for two.
  "I saved you a seat," He grins. I return his smile.
  "Thanks," I say, sitting down across from him. He pulls something out of his jacket, and I soon realize it's a bouquet  of red roses.
  "You were great, kid." He says, handing me the flowers.
  "You brought me flowers?" I ask. He nods, smiling.
  "They're a bit overdue, but, yes."
  "Thank you, Adam," I smile gratefully, taking the bouquet and setting it beside me.
  "You deserve it." He says, his eyes shining.
  I look away shyly.
  "You don't need to be shy, kid." He says in an voice just above a whisper. "You're amazing."
I look back at him, locking my gray eyes with his brown. My mouth parts slightly as he reaches out and takes my hands- which were resting on the table.
His hands are softer than I expected them to be. They're warm and gentle. He plays with my fingers a bit while we continue eye contact.
"Adam.." I whisper.
"Yes?" He answers, a little eagerly.
He leans forward. "..Yes?"
I stop myself from saying what I was thinking. "Thank you, I guess.. Yes- thank you for everything."
"Oh.." He responds, sitting back. He seems almost.. disappointed. "You're welcome."
I bite my lip as he continues to play with my fingers.
"Iva," He begins.
"Yes?" I answer expectantly, not feeling at all foolish for repeating what had just happened.
"I was wondering.."
"...Yes?" I push, holding back a smile and trying to stay serious.
"I was wondering if you would... If you'd like.. If you'd like a drink." He finishes glumly.
"Oh," I say, wishing he would have said what I was too afraid to say. "Yeah.. Yeah, a drink sounds good."
"I'll just be right back.." He says, standing up. I watch him walk over to the bar.
I look down at my hands, which are suddenly cold without his warmth, and smile at the thought of him.
Looking back up at him while he stands at the bar, I watch him talk to the bartender and order drinks.
"Who's he?"
My eyes widen. I'm too afraid to turn my head to see who said that- but I already know who it is.
"What are you doing here?" I ask, my eyes falling shut.
"I saws ya on TV last night. A news lady was sayin' how great you were doin' in this here restaurant, singin' and shit. Thinkin' ya fine without me."
I bite the inside of my cheek nervously as I slowly turn my head and see just what I didn't want to confirm- Alex sits in Adam's seat in front of me.
"So I'll ask ya again: who's he?" He asks, his eyes burning with jealousy.
"He's no one- just a friend-" I say quickly.
"So ya cheatin' on me and ya lyin' to me." He says. "Don't think ya gonna get away from me. Ya can't. I'm always gonna be here. Ya always gonna have to look ova' ya shoulder for me. And he ain't gonna protect ya. No body's gonna keep ya from me. Ya playin' a dangerous game here, baby."
I shutter at the name. "Don't call me that. I am not yours."
"I told ya before." He says, his eyes flashing. "Don't tell me what to do."
My eyes fall shut. "You're.. You're right. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.. Please forgive me."
He stares at me. I watch as he stands from the table- not breaking eye contact with me- and walks away, out of the restaurant.
I let out a breath of relief when I'm sure he's gone. A tear slips from my eye.
I can't let myself go back with him. I have too many scars- I cant put myself through that pain again.
I stand, bumping the table by accident and clinking the silverware.
My breath is quick and short; my heart is racing with fear and anxiety. I look at Adam, who is still waiting at the bar. If I can slip out before he notices I'm gone.. He won't have to be in this. He doesn't deserve to be put through this.
I smile fondly at the thought of him. For a brief second, I remember the previous moments with him, and I'm happy. I think of the strange feelings I've been feeling- feelings I haven't felt since long before Alex hurt me.
But I can't bear to hurt Adam. He can never know.
I step away from the table, walking towards the door, out of the restaurant, and away from Adam.

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